Encased within a hand-carved wooden box, reminiscent of an expertly crafted toolkit, lies the the finest creation of Maize Gantetsu.
Upon opening the case, you will find an array of meticulously arranged woodworking tools, each selected for their precision and ease of use. At the heart of the kit is a compact hand-crank lathe, capable of boring and shaping Apricorns into the custom Pokéballs such as the Friend Ball or Heavy Ball. Despite its size, this lathe, once revved up, is as effective as its full-sized counterparts.

The kit includes:
A sharp and reliable utility knife for initial cuts and fine detailing.
A precision moisture meter to ensure your Apricorns are at the ideal humidity for crafting.
A sturdy chisel to carve out the basic shape with accuracy.
A trusted level to maintain the symmetry and balance of your Pokéball.
Adjustable sliding bevels for marking and measuring angles flawlessly.
A layout square to guide your cuts and keep them straight.
Calipers for taking precise measurements and ensuring a perfect fit.
A hand plane for smoothing rough surfaces and fine finishing.
Strong clamps to hold your workpiece securely as you shape it.
A custom jig to aid in consistent and repeatable crafting.
A hand-crank mechanical drill for the initial hollowing process.
Orbital sanders to achieve a smooth, flawless finish on the Apricorn surface.
A hand-powered vacuum to keep your workspace clean from shavings and dust.
A small, yet mighty drill press for precise hole making and detailing.
All these tools operate through a complex network of clockwork gears and delicate cogs, a harmonious blend of traditional craftsmanship and modern design. This kit pays homage to the ancient art of Apricorn shaping but also propels it into the contemporary age of Pokéball creation.
Crafting an Apricorn Ball is a long and arduous process for an amateur and can take several hours and many failed attempts. Three successful Clever+Crafts die results are necessary to create a functioning Ball along with at least four hours of invested time. However, as the user becomes more proficient with the kit and process this will be reduced to half the time and one successful Clever+Crafts check.
The lathe can also be used to make even rarer custom balls when a Chromatic Apricorn is used in the production. This takes no additional skill roles and the results vary wildly based on the Apricorn used.

A rare Pokeball which which gives of an alluring scent.
20 Die when used on a Pokémon that is the opposite gender of your active Pokémon.

The Harmony Ball is able to undo the damage caused to a Pokémon by a Simulated Battle Ball
20 Catch Rate on Berserk Pokémon.
Cures Pokémon the Berserk status effect.

A rare Pokeball which has the effect of increasing the size of the Pokémon to the Overgrown size.
12 catch die regardless.
When a Pokémon is caught by this ball they are increased in size to Overgrown, if an Overgrown Pokémon is caught in this ball they gain the Vitality bonus a second time.

A rare Pokeball with a complex next shaped laser capture grid.
Can be used to make a ball with increased effect on water dwelling Pokémon.
20 catch die on any Pokémon which is commonly found in water, regardless of typing.

A rare Poke ball which works with increased effect on any Pokémon which evolves via Stone.
12 die when used on any Pokémon which or have a pre/evolution which evolves via evolutionary stone

A rare Pokeball which works with increased effect on based on the maximum Dexterity of a Pokémon.
If a Pokémon knows a pivot move or move that boosts Dex moves they get 20 seal potential regardless.
3 Die if a Pokemon has 1 potential Dexterity pip
6 Die if a Pokemon has 2 potential Dexterity pip
8 Die if a Pokemon has 3 potential Dexterity pip
12 Die if a Pokemon has 4 potential Dexterity pip
15 Die if a Pokemon has 5 potential Dexterity pip
20 Die if a Pokemon has 6 potential Dexterity pip

A rare Pokeball which raises the rank of any Pokémon when caught.
Increases the rank of Pokémon by one when caught and also gives them one guaranteed additional success on any training rolls.
6 Die to catch Pokémon.