Changes to Existing Moves


-Acid Spray
-Ally Switch
-Anchor Shot
-Aqua Tail
-Aurora Veil
-Baddy Bad
-Baton Pass
-Beak Blast
-Belly Drum
-Bolt Beak
-Bouncy Bubble
-Brutal Swing
-Buzzy Buzz
-Conversion 2
-Core Enforcer
-Cotton Spore
-Crush Grip
-Dark Pulse
-Dark Void
-Diamond Storm
-Double Iron Bash
-Dragon Darts
-Electric Terrain
-Fell Stinger
-Fire Pledge
-Floaty Fall
-Focus Punch
-Freeze Dry
-Freezy Frost
-Fury Cutter
-Gear Up
-Glitzy Glow
-Grass Pledge
-Grassy Terrain
-Grav Apple
-Heal Block
-Hidden Power
-Hyperspace Fury
-Ion Deluge
-King’s Shield
-Knock Off
-Life Dew
-Light Screen
-Magic Room
-Magnetic Flux
-Magnet Rise
-Milk Drink
-Miracle Eye
-Misty Terrain
-Mud Sport
-Natural Gift
-Nature Power
-Odor Sleuth
-Origin Pulse
-Pika Papow
-Pollen Puff
-Power Whip
-Precipice Blades
-Psychic Terrain
-Rain Dance
-Reflect Type
-Relic Song
-Rock Throw
-Rock Tomb
-Sappy Seed
-Searing Shot
-Secret Power
-Shell Smash
-Shell Trap
-Sizzly Slide
-Sky Drop
-Smack Down
-Sparkly Swirl
-Spiky Shield
-Spirit Break
-Spit Up
-Splishy Splash
-Stealth Rock
-Sticky Web
-Stone Edge
-String Shot
-Struggle Bug
-Sunny Day
-Tail Whip
-Throat Chop
-Thousand Arrows
-Toxic Spikes
-Toxic Thread
-Trick Room
-Triple Kick
-Veevee Volley
-Water Pledge
-Water Sport
-Wonder Room
-Wring Out
-Zippy Zap


Type: Normal
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Dexterity + Nature
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: Roll 1 Die. Increase an Attribute of the User or an Ally by 2 based on the result:
4-Special Defense
If a stat that is already at +3 is rolled, roll again. If all stats are at +3, the move fails

(Strength +2, Dexterity +2, Special +2, Defense +2, Special Defense +2, Accuracy +2)


Acid Spray
Type: Poison
Power: 2
Category: Special
Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel
Damage Pool: Special + 2
Added Effect: Reduce the foe’s Special Defense

(Ballistics Move, Special Defense -2)


Ally Switch
Type: Psychic
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Special + Channel
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: When the user or an Ally is targeted by a move, the user can swap places of an Ally, changing the target to the other Pokemon. This move fails if it it was successfully used during the previous turn.

(Priority +2)


Anchor Shot
Type: Steel
Power: 3
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Strength + Brawl
Damage Pool: Strength + 3
Added Effect: Blocks.


Aqua Tail
Type: Water
Power: 3
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl -1
Damage Pool: Strength + 3
Added Effect: none


Type: Dark
Power: 2*
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl
Damage Pool: Strength + 2
Added Effect: If the targer has already recieved damage this Round, Add 2 Extra Dice to the Damage Pool.


Aurora Veil
Type: Ice
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Nature + Channel
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: User and Allies will receive one less damage from both Physical and Special attacks.
This move will fail if not performed under the Hail or Snow Weathers. Lasts 5 rounds(or 8 rounds if the user is holding Light Clay), even if the Hail or Snow Weather is over.

(Screen Move, Damage -1)


Baddy Bad
Type: Dark
Power: 3
Category: Special
Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel
Damage Pool: Special +3
Added Effect: If the move is successful, Reflect is set up on the User’s side of the field for 5 turns(or 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay)


Baton Pass
Type: Normal
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Dexterity + Alert
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: Switcher Move. User switches out with another Pokemon. Any Attribute changes on the user are passed to the next Pokemon.

The following moves and effects are also passed on from the User to the other Pokemon:
-Confusion (Confuse Ray, Supersonic, ect.)
-Increased Crit Rate (Focus Energy, Dragon Cheer, ect.)
-Blocked (Mean Look, Spider Web, ect.)
-Ability Suppression (Gastro Acid, Core Enforcer)
-Seeding (Leech Seed, Sappy Seed)
-Curse (Ghost-Type Curse, Nail Down)
-Substitute (Substitute, Shed Tail)
-Power Trick (Power Trick, Power Shift)
-Heal Block (Heal Block, Psychic Noise)
-Perish Song (Perish Song, Perish Body)
-Magnet Rise
-Aqua Ring


Beak Blast
Type: Flying
Power: 4
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl
Damage Pool: Strength +4
Added Effect: This move has to be selected before any other actions have been taken by any Pokemon this turn. The move starts charging up and is released at the end of the turn. If the User it hit with a contact move during that time, the Pokemon that targeted them becomes burned. Pokemon with Bulletproof can still be burned by this move.

(Ballistics Move, Priority -3)


Belly Drum
Type: Normal
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Tough + Perform
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: User deals damage to itself equal to half its total HP. Maximize the user’s Strength to +3


Type: Ice
Power: 5
Category: Special
Accuracy: Special + Channel
Damage Pool: Special +5
Added Effect: All foes in range. Roll 1 Chance Dice to Freeze the Foe. If preformed under Hail or Snow weather, ignore this Move’s Reduced Accuracy, and this Move can’t be evaded.

(Wind Move)


Bolt Beak
Type: Electric
Power: 3*
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl
Damage Pool: Strength +3*
Added Effect: If the Target hasn’t had a Turn this Round, add 2 Extra Dice to the Damage Pool


Type: Flying
Power: 3
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl
Damage Pool: Strength +3
Added Effect: Charge Move. While charging this Move, the user cannot be affected by most other Moves. Roll 3 Chance Die to Paralyze the Foe.

Moves that can hit the user during the Charge turn:
-Gust (Deals 2 additional Damage Dice)
-Sky Uppercut
-Smack Down (Grounds the user and cancels the Move)
-Thousand Arrows (Grounds the user and cancels the Move
-Twister (Deals 2 additional Damage Dice)

Additionally, if the user was successfully targeted by Lock-On or Mind Reader prior to the Charge turn, or the foe targeting it has the No Guard Ability, they can be effected by any move during the Charge.

(Charge Move, Accuracy -2)


Bouncy Bubble
Type: Water
Power: 3
Category: Special
Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel
Damage Pool: Special +3
Added Effect: All Foes in Range. The User restores HP equal to half the damage dealt, rounded down.

(Draining Move)


Brutal Swing
Type: Dark
Power: 2
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl
Damage Pool: Special +2
Added Effect: Lethal. Area Attack.


Buzzy Buzz
Type: Electric
Power: 3
Category: Special
Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel
Damage Pool: Special +3
Added Effect: Paralyze the Foe


Type: Normal
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Special + Nature
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: For the rest of the scene the user changes it’s type depending on the environment or terrain that it is in:

-Building, Distortion World, Road: Normal
-Burial Ground: Ghost
-Cave: Rock
-Dirt, Marsh, Rock, Sand, Swamp: Ground
-Electric Terrain: Electric
-Field, Flowers, Grass, Grassy Terrain: Grass
-Ice, Ice Terrain, Snow: Ice
-Misty Terrain: Fairy
-Psychic Terrain, Ultra Space: Psychic
-Bridge, Sky: Flying
-Space: Dragon
-Underwater, Water Surface, Water Terrain: Water
-Volcano: Fire


Type: Electric
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Insight + Nature
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: Increase Special Defense and Add 2 Dice to the Damage Pool of the next Electric Damaging move the user performs.

(Special Defense +1)


Type: Normal
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Will + Channel
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: Choose a Move the user knows whose typing does not match that of their current typing. The user now becomes that type. If they know no moves that do not match its current typing, this move automatically fails unless the user is a dual-typed Pokemon, in which case they become a mono-typed Pokemon of that type.


Conversion 2:
Type: Normal
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Will + Channel
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: Choose a Type that resists or is immune to the type of the last damaging move that successfully hit the user in the current scene. They now become that type. If they are already a type that resists the move that last damaged them, they must choose a different type to replace it unless the user is a dual-typed Pokemon that is one or more of those types, in which case they become a mono-typed Pokemon of that type.


Cotton Spore
Type: Grass
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Insight + Channel
Damage: –
Added Effect: Target All Foes in Range. Reduce the Dexterity of those affected.

(Powder Move, Dexterity -2)


Crush Grip
Type: Normal
Power: 5*
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Strength + Brawl
Damage Pool: Strength + 5*
Added Effect: Remove 1 Dice from the Damage Pool for every missing HP on the target. Up to 4 Dice may be removed this way.


Type: Ghost
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Will + Channel
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: If the user is a Ghost type, it deals damage to itself equal to half of its total HP rounded down. The target takes damage equal to one fourth of its total HP rounded down at the end of each round until it leaves the battlefield or faints.
If the user is not a Ghost type, Increase the user’s Strength and Defense and reduce the user’s Dexterity.

(Strength +1, Defense +1, Dexterity -1)


Dark Pulse
Type: Dark
Power: 3
Category: Special
Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel
Damage Pool: Special +3
Added Effect: Roll 2 Chance Dice to Flinch the foe.


Dark Void:
Type: Dark
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Insight + Channel
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: All foes in range have the Sleep condition. The move automatically fails if used by a Pokemon that is not Darkrai or is currently Transformed into Darkrai.

(Accuracy -3)


Diamond Storm
Type: Rock
Power: 4
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel
Damage Pool: Strength +4
Added Effect: All Foes in Range. Roll 5 Chance Die to increase the User’s Defense

(Accuracy -1, Defense +2)


Type: Flying
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Insight + Nature
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: All Foes in Range. Those Affected cannot Evade moves performed by the user. Additionally, the following effects are removed from both sides of the battlefield:

-Entry Hazards
-Thick Fog

Outside of battle, the move can be used to clear away Thick Fog


Type: Ground
Power: 3
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl
Damage Pool: Strength +3
Added Effect: Charge Move. While charging this Move, the user cannot be affected by most other Moves.

Moves that can hit the user during the Charge turn:
-Earthquake (Deals 2 additional Damage Dice)
-Helping Hand
-Magnitude (Deals 2 additional Damage Dice)
-Toxic (Only when used by a Poison-Type Pokemon)

Additionally, if the user was successfully targeted by Lock-On or Mind Reader prior to the Charge turn, or the foe targeting it has the No Guard Ability, they can be effected by any move during the Charge.

Outside of Battle, this move can be used dig tunnels large enough for a person to crawl through without risking a collapse.

(Charge Move, Field Move)


Type: Normal
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Insight + Channel
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: The target cannot use the last move if performed. Lasts 4 turns. If the target already has a move they know disabled, this move fails.


Type: Water
Power: 3
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl
Damage Pool: Strength +3
Added Effect: Charge Move. While charging this Move, the user cannot be affected by most other Moves.

Moves that can hit the user during the Charge turn:
-Surf (Deals 2 additional Damage Dice)
-Whirlpool (Deals 2 additional Damage Dice)

Additionally, if the user was successfully targeted by Lock-On or Mind Reader prior to the Charge turn, or the foe targeting it has the No Guard Ability, they can be effected by any move during the Charge.

Outside of Battle, this move can be used to safely take a trainer underwater, creating a bubble of air around the user.

(Charge Move, Field Move)


Double Iron Bash
Type: Steel
Power: 2
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Strength + Brawl
Damage Pool: Strength +2
Added Effect: Double Action. Roll 3 Chance Dice to Flinch the Foe

(Double Action, Punching Move)


Dragon Darts
Type: Dragon
Power: 2
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel
Damage Pool: Strength +2
Added Effect: Ranged. Double Action. If there is more than one foe, you can target two with a single attack each. If a targeted foe uses a Shield move, the attack can be redirected to another foe. Follow Me and Rage Powder cannot redirect this move.


Electric Terrain
Type: Electric
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Insight + Nature
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: For the next 5 rounds(or 8 rounds of the user it holding a Terrain Extender) all Electric Attacks will deal 1 Extra Dice of Damage.
Any Pokemon that is not Flying type or has the Levitate ability cannot be given the “Sleep” status

(Field Effect, Terrain)


Fell Stinger
Type: Bug
Power: 2
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl
Damage Pool: Strength +2
Added Effect: If the foe faints due to damage from this attack, increase the user’s Strength

(Strength +3)


Fire Pledge
Type: Fire
Power: 3
Category: Special
Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel
Damage Pool: Special +3
Added Effect: If this move is used the same turn an Ally has already used Grass Pledge, add 2 Die to the Damage Pool and a Sea of Fire appears on the foe’s side of the field. All non-Fire Types on the foe’s side of the field take 1 damage at the end of each turn. This effect lasts 4 turns.

If this move is used the same turn an Ally has already used Water Pledge, add 2 Die to the Damage Pool and a Rainbow appears on the user’s side of the field. The user and their allies add 2 Chance Die to any change-related effects of moves they use. This does not stack with Serene Grace. This effect lasts 4 turns.



Type: Dark
Power: Varies
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl
Damage Pool: Strength + Varies
Added Effect: User loses its held item. Ranged. Power and effect is based on the item thrown:

5 Power: Iron Ball
4 Power: Hard Stone, Room Service
3 Power: All Drives, All Mega Stones, All Plates, All Power Items, Assault Vest, Blunder Policy, Deep Sea Tooth, Dragon Fang, Electirizer, Grip Claw, Heavy-Duty Boots, Magmarzier, Oval Stone, Poison Barb, Protector, Quick Claw, Razor Claw, Sachet, Safety Goggles, Sticky Barb, Weakness Policy, Whipped Dream
2 Power: Everything not listed in the other fields
1 Power: All Berries, All Incenses, All Scarves, All Sweets, Air Balloon, Big Root, Bright Powder, Choice Band, Choice Scarf, Choice Specs, Destiny Knot, Electric Seed, Expert Belt, Focus Band, Focus Sash, Grassy Seed, Lagging Tail, Leftovers, Mental Herb, Metal Powder, Misty Seed, Muscle Band, Power Herb, Psychic Seed, Quick Powder, Reaper Cloth, Red Card, Ring Target, Shed Shell, Silk Scarf, Silver Powder, Smooth Rock, Soft Sand, Soothe Bell, White Herb, Wide Lens, Wise Glasses, Zoom Lens

Added Effects:
-Flame Orb: Burns Target
-King’s Rock: Flinches Target
-Light Ball: Paralyzes Target
-Mental Herb: Cures the target of Infatuation, Taunt, Encore, Torment, Disable, and Heal Block
-Poison Barb: Poisons Target
-Razor Fang: Flinches Target
-Toxic Orb: Badly Poisons Target
-White Herb: Restored lowered stats of the target


Floaty Fall
Type: Flying
Power: 3
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl
Damage Pool: Strength +3
Added Effect: Roll 3 Chance Dice to make the foe Flinch.

(Accuracy -1)


Type: Flying
Power: 3
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl
Damage Pool: Strength +3
Added Effect: Charge Move. While charging this Move, the user cannot be affected by most other Moves.

Moves that can hit the user during the Charge turn:
-Gust (Deals 2 additional Damage Dice)
-Sky Uppercut
-Smack Down (Grounds the user and cancels the Move)
-Thousand Arrows (Grounds the user and cancels the Move)
-Twister (Deals 2 additional Damage Dice)

Additionally, if the user was successfully targeted by Lock-On or Mind Reader prior to the Charge turn, or the foe targeting it has the No Guard Ability, they can be effected by any move during the Charge.

Outside of Battle, this move can be used by the user to carry their trainer regardless of weight.

(Charge Move, Field Move, Accuracy -1)


Focus Punch.
Type: Fighting
Power: 6
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Strength + Brawl
Damage Pool: Strength +6
Added Effect: This move has to be selected before any other actions have been taken by any Pokemon this turn. The move starts charging up and is released at the end of the turn. If the User is hit with any damage move during that time, this move automatically fails.

(Punching Move, Priority -3)


Type: Normal
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Insight + Alert
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: The Foe cannot Evade Moves performed by the User. User ignores Ghost-Type immunity to Normal-Type Moves and Fighting-Type Moves


Freeze Dry
Type: Ice
Power: 3
Category: Special
Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel
Damage Pool: Special +3
Added Effect: The Water-Type is weak against this move instead of resistant to it


Freezy Frost
Type: Ice
Power: 3
Category: Special
Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel
Damage Pool: Special +3
Added Effect: If the move is successful, remove all Increased or Decreased Attributes and Traits the Foe may have.


Fury Cutter
Type: Bug
Power: 2*
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl
Damage Pool: Strength +2*
Added Effect: For every turn this Move is used and succeeds on damaging a target without missing, increase this Move’s Power by 1, to a Maximum of 5

(Slashing Move)


Gear Up
Type: Steel
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Vitality + Channel
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: Increase the Strength and Special of all allied Pokemon with the Plus or Minus Ability(Including the User if applicable)

(Strength +1, Special +1)


Glitzy Glow
Type: Psychic
Power: 3
Category: Special
Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel
Damage Pool: Special +3
Added Effect: If the move is successful, Light Screen is set up on the User’s side of the field for 5 turns(or 8 turns if the user is holding Light Clay)


Grass Pledge
Type: Grass
Power: 3
Category: Special
Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel
Damage Pool: Special +3
Added Effect: If this move is used the same turn an Ally has already used Fire Pledge, add 2 Die to the Damage Pool and a Sea of Fire appears on the foe’s side of the field. All non-Fire Types on the foe’s side of the field take 1 damage at the end of each turn. This effect lasts 4 turns.

If this move is used the same turn an Ally has already used Water Pledge, add 2 Die to the Damage Pool and a Swamp appears on the foe’s side of the field. All foes decrease their Dexterity by 2. This effect lasts 4 turns.


Grassy Terrain
Type: Grass
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Insight + Nature
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: For the next 5 rounds(or 8 rounds of the user it holding a Terrain Extender) all Grass Attacks will deal 1 Extra Dice of Damage.
Any Pokemon that is not Flying type or has the Levitate ability heal 1 Hit Point each turn.
The moves Bulldoze, Earthquake, and Magnitude have their Damage decreased by 2

(Field Effect, Terrain)


Grav Apple
Type: Grass
Power: 3*
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel
Damage Pool: Strength + 3*
Added Effect: Ranged. Reduce the Foe’s Defense. When the field is under the effects of Gravity, add 2 Extra Dice to the Damage Pool.


Type: Psychic
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Insight + Channel
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: For the next 5 rounds Pokemon that are Flying type or have the ability Levitate are no longer immune to Ground type attacks and are affected by Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, Electric Terrain, Psychic Terrain, Grassy Terrain, and Misty Terrain. Additionally all Pokemon get 2 Bonus Dice on the Accuracy Pool for any moves with reduced Accuracy. The Following moves cannot be used while the effects of Gravity are on the Battlefield:

Moves Restricted by Gravity:
-Flying Press
-High Jump Kick
-Jump Kick
-Magnet Rise
-Sky Drop

(Field Effect)


Type: Normal
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Tough/Cute + Perform
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: Sound Based. All Foes in Range. Reduce the Foes’ Strength

(Sound Move, Strength -1)


Type: Normal
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Special + Nature
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: Increase the User’s Strength and Special by 1. In Harsh Sunlight and Extremely Harsh Sunlight, increase the User’s Strength and Special by 2 instead.

(Strength + 1/2, Special +1/2)


Type: Ice
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Special + Nature
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: Hail Weather is activated for the next 5 rounds(or 8 rounds if the user is hold an Icy Rock)

(Field Effect, Weather)


Heal Block
Type: Psychic
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Special + Channel
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: All Foes in Range. Targets cannot regain any lost HP. Lasts 5 turns.


Hidden Power
Type: Normal
Power: 2
Category: Special
Accuracy: Special + Channel
Damage Pool: 2 + Special
Added Effect: For most Pokemon, the Type of this move is decided by the Storyteller and cannot be changed under any circumstance. Additionally, Normal and Fairy cannot be chosen as types for this move.
When used by an Unown, the Type of this move becomes whichever type would deal the most damage, and unlike other Pokemon this move can be Fairy type if it is the type that would deal the most damage to the target.
When used as a Z-Move, Hidden Power always becomes Breakneck Blitz regardless of what type it counts as for damage
When used as a Max-Move, Hidden Power always becomes Max Strike unless the Pokemon has G-Max form that replaces Max Strike with a G-Max Move, in which case that move is used instead.


Type: Normal
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Cool + Intimidate
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: Sound Based. The user and all Allies increase their Strength by 1

(Sound Move, Strength+1)


Hyperspace Fury:
Type: Dark
Power: 4
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl
Damage Pool: Strength +4
Added Effect: Never Fails. Ignores the effects of any Shield Move the Foe might have used. Reduce’s the user’s Defense. The move automatically fails if used by a Pokemon that is not Hoopa Unbound or is currently Transformed into Hoopa Unbound.

(User’s Defense -1)


Ion Deluge
Type: Electric
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Insight + Nature
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: Normal-Type moves become Electric-Type moves for 1 turn.


King’s Shield
Type: Steel
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: Priority Shield. If the foe was using a contact move, Reduce the foe’s Strength. Reduce 3 Dice from the foe’s Damage Pool

(Shield Move, Priority +4, Strength -1)


Knock Off:
Type: Dark
Power: 2*
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl
Damage Pool: Strength +2*
Added Effect: If the target is holding an item, it deals 1 Extra damage and the target loses its held item. This extra damage does not apply if the held item cannot be removed.


Life Dew
Type: Water
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Special + Nature
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: If successful, spend 1 Will point to activate. User and all Allies in Range heal 2 HP.


Light Screen
Type: Psychic
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Special + Channel
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: User and Allies will receive one less damage from Special attacks for the next 5 rounds(or 8 rounds if the user is holding Light Clay).
(Screen Move, Damage -1)


Magic Room
Type: Psychic
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Special + Channel
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: No one can user their Held Item nor any other item. Lasts 5 rounds.

(Field Effect)


Magnetic Flux
Type: Electric
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Insight + Nature
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: Increase the Defense and Special Defense of all allied Pokemon with the Plus or Minus Ability(Including the User if applicable)

(Defense +1, Special Defense +1)


Magnet Rise
Type: Electric
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Insight + Nature
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: For the next 5 rounds, the user is not considered Grounded. Being hit by Smack Down or Thousand Arrows ends this effect.


Type: Ground
Power: *
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl
Damage Pool: Strength +Varies*
Added Effect: Area Attack. Roll 1 Die to determine this Move’s power.


Type: Normal
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Cute + Perform
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: The Storyteller chooses a move that Metronome transforms into.

The following moves cannot be called by Metronome:
-Z Moves
-Max Moves
-G-Max Moves
-Partner Moves
-Torque Moves
-Shadow Moves

The move uses Metronome’s Accuracy instead of its normal one.

( <-You can use this to generate a random move that can be replaced with a percentile roll


Milk Drink
Type: Normal
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Vitality + Nature
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: Basic Heal. If successful, spend 1 Will point to activate

Outside of battle, this move can be used to transfer 3 HP from the user to an ally below max health. The user must spend 1 Will point if the move is used this way.

(Healing Move, Field Move)


Type: Normal
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Special + Channel
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: The User can now make up to 5 Evasions per round and adds 2 Bonus Die to their Evasion checks.

While under the effects of Minimize, the following moves have no accuracy penalties, the “Never Fails” property, and add 2 Bonus Die to their Damage Pools when targeting a Minimized Pokemon:
-Body Slam
-Double Iron Bash
-Dragon Rush
-Flying Press
-Heat Crash
-Heavy Slam
-Malicious Moonsault (Signature Z-Move of Incineroar)
-Needle Arm
-Phantom Force
-Shadow Force


Miracle Eye
Type: Psychic
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Insight + Alert
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: The Foe cannot Evade Moves performed by the User. User ignores Dark-Type immunity to Psychic-Type Moves


Type: Ice
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Special + Nature
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: For the next 5 rounds, the User and Allies cannot have their Attributes or Traits reduced.


Misty Terrain
Type: Fairy
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Insight + Nature
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: For the next 5 rounds(or 8 rounds of the user it holding a Terrain Extender) all Dragon Attacks will deal 1 less Dice of Damage.
Any Pokemon that is not Flying type or has the Levitate ability cannot be given a status effect.

(Field Effect, Terrain)


Mud Sport
Type: Ground
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Insight + Nature
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: For the next 5 rounds, reduce the Damage of all Electric-Type moves by 2.


Natural Gift
Type: Normal
Power: Varies
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel
Damage Pool: Strength + Varies
Added Effect: User loses its held berry. Ranged. Type and Power is based on the berry used up:

#01 Cheri Berry (Type:Fire/Power:3)
#02 Chesto Berry (Type:Water/Power:3)
#03 Pecha Berry (Type:Electric/Power:3)
#04 Rawst Berry (Type:Grass/Power:3)
#05 Aspear Berry (Type:Ice/Power:3)
#06 Leppa Berry (Type:Fighting/Power:3)
#07 Oran Berry (Type:Poison/Power:3)
#08 Persim Berry (Type:Ground/Power:3)
#09 Lum Berry (Type:Flying/Power:3)
#10 Sitrus Berry (Type:Psychic/Power:3)
#11 Figy Berry (Type:Bug/Power:3)
#12 Wiki Berry (Type:Rock/Power:3)
#13 Mago Berry (Type:Ghost/Power:3)
#14 Aguav Berry (Type:Dragon/Power:3)
#15 Iapapa Berry (Type:Dark/Power:3)
#16 Razz Berry (Type:Steel/Power:3)
#17 Bluk Berry (Type:Fire/Power:3)
#18 Nanab Berry (Type:Water/Power:3)
#19 Wepear Berry (Type:Electric/Power:3)
#20 Pinap Berry (Type:Grass/Power:3)
#21 Pomeg Berry (Type:Ice/Power:3)
#22 Kelspy Berry (Type:Fighting/Power:3)
#23 Qualot Berry (Type:Poison/Power:3)
#24 Hondew Berry (Type:Ground/Power:3)
#25 Grepa Berry (Type:Flying/Power:3)
#26 Tamato Berry (Type:Psychic/Power:3)
#27 Cornn Berry (Type:Bug/Power:3)
#28 Magost Berry (Type:Rock/Power:3)
#29 Rabuta Berry (Type:Ghost/Power:3)
#30 Nomel Berry (Type:Dragon/Power:3)
#31 Spelon Berry (Type:Dark/Power:3)
#32 Pamtre Berry (Type:Steel/Power:3)
#33 Watmel Berry (Type:Fire/Power:4)
#34 Durin Berry (Type:Water/Power:4)
#35 Belue Berry (Type:Electric/Power:4)
#36 Occa Berry (Type:Fire/Power:3)
#37 Passho Berry (Type:Water/Power:3)
#38 Wacan Berry (Type:Electric/Power:3)
#39 Rindo Berry (Type:Grass/Power:3)
#40 Yache Berry (Type:Ice/Power:3)
#41 Chople Berry (Type:Fighting/Power:3)
#42 Kebia Berry (Type:Poison/Power:3)
#43 Shuca Berry (Type:Ground/Power:3)
#44 Coba Berry (Type:Flying/Power:3)
#45 Payapa Berry (Type:Psychic/Power:3)
#46 Tanga Berry (Type:Bug/Power:3)
#47 Charti Berry (Type:Rock/Power:3)
#48 Kasib Berry (Type:Ghost/Power:3)
#49 Haban Berry (Type:Dragon/Power:3)
#50 Colbur Berry (Type:Dark/Power:3)
#51 Babiri Berry (Type:Steel/Power:3)
#52 Chilan Berry (Type:Normal/Power:3)
#53 Liechi Berry (Type:Grass/Power:4)
#54 Galon Berry (Type:Ice/Power:4)
#55 Salac Berry (Type:Fighting/Power:4)
#56 Petaya Berry (Type:Poison/Power:4)
#57 Apicot Berry (Type:Ground/Power:4)
#58 Lansat Berry (Type:Flying/Power:4)
#59 Starf Berry (Type:Psychic/Power:4)
#60 Enigma Berry (Type:Bug/Power:4)
#61 Micle Berry (Type:Rock/Power:4)
#62 Custap (Type:Ghost/Power:4)
#63 Jaboca Berry (Type:Dragon/Power:4)
#64 Rowap Berry (Type:Dark/Power:4)
#65 Roseli Berry (Type:Fairy/Power:3)
#66 Kee Berry (Type:Fairy/Power:4)
#67 Maranga Berry (Type:Dark/Power:4)
#68 Hopo Berry (Type:Normal/Power:4)
#69 Pumkin Berry (Type:Ice/Power:4)
#70 Drash Berry (Type:Posion/Power:4)
#71 Eggant Berry (Type:Steel/Power:4)
#72 Strib Berry (Type:Bug/Power:4)
#73 Hozu Berry (Type:Normal/Power:4)
#74 Nutpea Berry (Type:Fighting/Power:4)
#75 Ginema Berry (Type:Psychic/Power:4)
#76 Kuo Berry (Type:Rock/Power:4)
#77 Yago Berry (Type:Fire/Power:4)
#78 Touga Berry (Type:Flying/Power:4)
#79 Niniku Berry (Type:Ground/Power:4)
#80 Topo Berry (Type:Electric/Power:4)
#16b Silver Razz Berry (Type:Steel/Power:4)
#16c Golden Razz Berry (Type:Steel/Power:5)
#18b Silver Nanab Berry (Type:Water/Power:4)
#18c Golden Nanab Berry (Type:Water/Power:5)
#18d Choco Nanab Berry (Type: Water/Power: 3)
#20b Silver Pinap Berry (Type:Grass/Power:4)
#20c Golden Pinap Berry (Type:Grass/Power:5)
#J01 Berry (Type:Grass/Power:4)
#J02 Gold Berry (Type:Steel/Power:4)
#J03 Poison Cure Berry (Type:Poison/Power:4)
#J04 Paralysis Cure Berry (Type:Electric/Power:4)
#J05 Burnt Berry (Type:Fire/Power:4)
#J06 Ice Berry (Type:Ice/Power:4)
#J07 Bitter Berry (Type:Dark/Power:4)
#J08 Mint Berry (Type:Water/Power:4)
#J09 Miracle Berry (Type:Dragon/Power:4)
#J10 Mystery Berry (Type:Ghost/Power:4)
#M01 Pinkan Berry (Type:Fairy/Power:4)
#M02 Life Berry (Type:Water/Power:4)
#M03 Balloon Berry (Type:Flying/Power:4)
#M04 Healing Berry (Type:Ice/Power:4)
#M05 Memory Berry (Type:Electric/Power:4)
#M06 Fluffy Berry (Type:Grass/Power:4)
#M07 Large Berry (Type:Normal/Power:4)
#M08 Ojama Berry (Type:Rock/Power:4)
#M09 Super Berry (Type:Fire/Power:4)
#M10 Melody Berry (Type:Psychic/Power:4)
#M11 Rinka Berry (Type:Normal/Power:4)
#M12 Mirage Berry (Type:Fairy/Power:4)
#N/A Apple (Type:Dragon/Power:5)


Nature Power
Type: Normal
Power: Varies
Category: Support
Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel
Damage Pool: Varies
Added Effect: This move changes into another depending on the environment or terrain that it is in:

-Building, Distortion World, Road: Tri Attack
-Burial Ground: Shadow Ball
-Cave: Power Gem
-Dirt, Rock, Sand: Earth Power
-Electric Terrain: Thunderbolt
-Field, Flowers, Grass, Grassy Terrain: Energy Ball
-Ice, Ice Terrain, Snow: Ice Beam
-Marsh, Swamp: Mud Bomb
-Misty Terrain: Moonblast
-Psychic Terrain: Psychic
-Bridge, Sky: Air Slash
-Space: Draco Meteor
-Ultra Space: Psyshock
-Underwater, Water Surface, Water Terrain: Hydro Pump
-Volcano: Lava Plume


Type: Dark
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Dexterity + Intimidate
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: Priority Shield. If the foe was using a contact move, Reduce the foe’s Defense. Reduce 3 Dice from the foe’s Damage Pool

(Shield Move, Priority +4, Defense -2)


Type: Fighting
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Strength + Brawl
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: Block. At the end of every turn, reduce the Target’s Defense and Special Defense

(Defense -1, Special Defense -1)


Odor Sleuth
Type: Normal
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Insight + Alert
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: The Foe cannot Evade Moves performed by the User. User ignores Ghost-Type immunity to Normal-Type Moves and Fighting-Type Moves. Outside of Battle, Add successes of this Move to any rolls for Tracking targets.


Origin Pulse
Type: Water
Power: 4
Category: Special
Accuracy: Special + Channel
Damage Pool: Special +4
Added Effect: Lethal. All Foes in Range.

(Pulse Move, Accuracy -2)


Pika Papow
Type: Electric
Power: 0*
Category: Special
Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel
Damage Pool: Special +0*
Added Effect: Never Fails. Add 1 Die of Damage for every point of Happiness on the User. This move cannot be Evaded or Clashed.


Pollen Puff
Type: Bug
Power: 3
Category: Special
Accuracy: Special + Channel
Damage Pool: Special +3
Added Effect: Lethal. This move any target any one Foe or Ally. When this move is used on an Ally, they will receive a Basic Heal instead of taking damage.


Power Whip
Type: Grass
Power: 5
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Strength + Brawl
Damage Pool: Strength +5
Added Effect: –

(Accuracy -2)


Precipice Blades
Type: Ground
Power: 4
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Strength + Brawl
Damage Pool: Strength +4
Added Effect: Lethal. All Foes in Range.

(Accuracy -2)


Type: Normal
Power: *
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Cute + Allure
Damage Pool: Strength +Varies*
Added Effect: Roe 1 Die to determine this Move’s Power. If the result is a 6, it uses a Basic Heal on the target instead.

(Accuracy -1)


Psychic Terrain
Type: Psychic
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Insight + Nature
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: For the next 5 rounds(or 8 rounds of the user it holding a Terrain Extender) all Grass Attacks will deal 1 Extra Dice of Damage.
Any Pokemon that is not Flying type or has the Levitate ability cannot be targeted by a move with increased priority.

(Field Effect, Terrain)


Rain Dance
Type: Water
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Special + Nature
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: Rain Weather is activated for the next 5 rounds(or 8 rounds if the user is hold a Damp Rock)

(Field Effect, Weather)


Type: Normal
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Vitality + Nature
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: The user regains a consumable held item it has consumed during the current scene.


Type: Psychic
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Special + Channel
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: User and Allies will receive one less damage from Physical attacks for the next 5 rounds(or 8 rounds if the user is holding Light Clay).

(Screen Move, Damage -1)


Reflect Type
Type: Normal
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Special + Channel
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: The use chooses an ally or foe. The user changes its typing to that of the target.


Relic Song
Type: Normal
Power: 3
Category: Special
Accuracy: Special + Perform
Damage Pool: Special +3
Added Effect: Sound-Based. All Foes in Range. Roll 1 Chance Die on for each foe to put them to Sleep. If this move is used by Meloetta, they change from Aria Forme to Pirouette Forme and vice versa.

(Sound Move)


Rock Throw
Type: Rock
Power: 2
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl -1
Damage: Strength + 2
Added Effect: none


Rock Tomb
Type: Rock
Power: 2
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl -1
Damage: Strength + 2
Added Effect: Lowers the foe’s Dexterity

(Dexterity -1)


Type: Normal
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Special + Channel
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: For the next 5 rounds, User and Allies are immune to all status ailments. Status ailments previously inflicted remain.


Type: Rock
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Special + Nature
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: Sandstorm Weather is activated for the next 5 rounds(or 8 rounds if the user is hold a Smooth Rock)

(Field Effect, Weather)


Sappy Seed
Type: Grass
Power: 3
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl
Damage Pool: Strength +3
Added Effect: If the move is successful, the target becomes seeded as if targeted by the move Leech Seed.


Searing Shot
Type: Fire
Power: 4
Category: Special
Accuracy: Special + Channel
Damage Pool: Special +4
Added Effect: Area Attack. Lethal. Roll 3 Chance Die to Burn those Affected.


Secret Power
Type: Normal
Power: 3
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl
Damage Pool: Strength +3
Added Effect: Roll 3 Chance Die for an added effect that depends on the environment or terrain that it is in:

-Building, Distortion World, Electric Terrain, Road: Paralysis
-Burial Ground, Cave, Space: Flinch
-Dirt, Rock, Sand: Reduce Accuracy by 1
-Field, Flowers, Grass, Grassy Terrain: Sleep
-Ice, Ice Terrain, Snow: Freeze
-Bridge, Marsh, Psychic Terrain, Sky, Swamp: Reduce Dexterity by 1
-Misty Terrain: Reduce Special by 1
-Ultra Space: Reduce Defense by 1
-Underwater, Water Surface. Water Terrain: Reduce Strength by 1
-Volcano: Burn


Type: Normal
Power: 8
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Strength + Brawl
Damage Pool: Strength +8
Added Effect: Area Attack. After performing this move, the user receives damage equal to its remaining HP.

(Explosion Move)


Shell Smash
Type: Normal
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Strength + Brawl
Damage: –
Added Effect: The user Increased their Strength, Dexterity, and Special and lower their Defense and Special Defense

(Strength +2, Dexterity +2, Special +2, Defense -1, Special Defense -1)


Shell Trap
Type: Fire
Power: 6
Category: Special
Accuracy: Vitality + Stealth
Damage: Special +6
Added Effect: This move has to be selected before any other actions have been taken by any Pokemon this turn. The user sets up a trap that lasts until the User’s next turn. If a Foe hits the User with a Physical move, this move deals damage as an Area Attack.

(Priority -3)


Sizzly Slide
Type: Fire
Power: 3
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl
Damage Pool: Strength +3
Added Effect: Burn the foe


Type: Normal
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Dexterity + Perform
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: When used by a Smeargle, it permanently copies a move the target used and Sketch is forgotten in place of the new move. When used by another Pokemon the copied move only remains for 24 hours before turning back into Sketch.

The following Moves cannot be Sketched:
-All Z-Moves
-All Max Moves
-All G-Max Moves
-All Shadow Moves
-All Starmobile “Torque” Moves
-Mirror Move
-Revival Blessing
-Sleep Talk
-Tera Starstorm

(Field Effect, Weather)


Sky Drop
Type: Flying
Power: 2
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl
Damage: Strength +2
Added Effect: Charge Move. This move lifts the user and the Target into the air. While charging this Move, the user and target cannot be affected by most other Moves. The lifted target cannot take any actions while it is in the air.

Moves that can hit the user or target during the Charge turn:
-Sky Uppercut
-Smack Down (Grounds the user and target and cancels the Move)
-Thousand Arrows (Grounds the user and target and cancels the Move)

Additionally, if the user or target was successfully targeted by Lock-On or Mind Reader prior to the Charge turn, or if a Pokemon targeting either of them has the No Guard Ability, they can be effected by any move during the Charge.

Flying type Pokemon take no damage from this move, and if this move is used on a Pokemon that weights more than 200 kg, it automatically fails. Power Herb cannot negate the Charge turn of this move.

(Charge Move)


Smack Down
Type: Rock
Power: 2
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl
Damage: Strength +2
Added Effect: The target becomes Grounded.


Type: Dark
Power: 2
Category: Special
Accuracy: Special + Perform
Damage Pool: Special +2
Added Effect: Sound-Based. All Foes in Range. Reduce the Foes’ Special

(Sound Move, Special -1)


Type: Normal
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Insight + Nature
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: Basic Heal. If successful, spend 1 Will point to activate

Outside of battle, this move can be used to transfer 3 HP from the user to an ally below max health. The user must spend 1 Will point if the move is used this way.

(Healing Move, Field Move)


Sparkly Swirl
Type: Fairy
Power: 3
Category: Special
Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel
Damage: Special +3
Added Effect: If the move is successful, cure the user and allies of Status Conditions. They don’t need to be on the battlefield to get this effect.


Spirit Break
Type: Fairy
Power: 3
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Strength + Brawl
Damage: Strength + 3
Added Effect: If successful, lower the Foe’s Special

(Special -1)


Type: Ground
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Special + Nature
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: Entry Hazard. Grounded Pokemon that enter the battlefield take 1 Damage. This effect can stack up to three times for a total of 3 Damage.

(Entry Hazard)


Spiky Shield
Type: Grass
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: Priority Shield. If the foe was using a contact move, Roll 2 Dice of Damage against them. Reduce 3 Dice from the foe’s Damage Pool

(Shield Move, Priority +4, Defense -2)


Spit Up
Type: Normal
Power: *
Category: Special
Accuracy: Vitality + Channel
Damage Pool: Special + *
Added Effect: This move fails unless the user is currently under the effects of Stockpile. This move’s base damage is based on the number of “Stockpiles” the user has currently stored:

1 Stockpile: 2 Damage
2 Stockpiles: 4 Damage
3 Stockpiles: 6 Damage

After this move is used, all Stockpiles are used up, even if the accuracy check fails or the move is evaded or clashed


Splishy Splash
Type: Water
Power: 3
Category: Special
Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel
Damage Pool: Special +3
Added Effect: All Foes in Range. Roll 3 Chance Dice to Paralyze the Foes.


Stealth Rock
Type: Rock
Power: –
Category: Support
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: Entry Hazard. Pokemon that enter the battlefield take 1 Damage. If they are weak against the Rock-Type, they take 2 Damage instead. This effect cannot stack with multiple uses

(Entry Hazard)


Sticky Web
Type: Bug
Power: –
Category: Support
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: Entry Hazard. Grounded Pokemon that enter the battlefield have their Dexterity lowered by 1. This effect cannot stack with multiple uses

(Entry Hazard, Dexterity -1)


Type: Normal
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Vitality + Nature
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: Increase the User’s Defense and Special Defense. Each time this move is used, the user gains a “Stockpile”. Up to 3 Stockpiles can be stored at any one time. When the Stockpiles are used up, the Attribute increases gained from this move disappear as well.

(Defense +1, Special Defense +1)


Stone Edge
Type: Rock
Power: 4
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Strength + Brawl -2
Damage: Strength + 4
Added Effect: High Critical. Lethal.


String Shot
Type: Bug
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Insight + Nature
Damage: –
Added Effect: All Foes in Range. Reduce the Dexterity of those affected.

(Dexterity -2)


Type: Normal
Power: 2
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl
Damage Pool: Strength +2
Added Effect: This move deals Typeless Damage. Every time this move is used, The user takes damage equal to one fourth of its total HP rounded down in recoil damage. Reckless, Rock Head, and Magic Guard have no effect on this move.

(Recoil Move)


Struggle Bug
Type: Bug
Power: 2
Category: Special
Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel
Damage Pool: Special +2
Added Effect: All Foes in Range. Reduce the Foe’s Special

(Special -1)


Sunny Day
Type: Fire
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Special + Nature
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: Sunny Weather is activated for the next 5 rounds(or 8 rounds if the user is hold a Heat Rock)

(Field Effect, Weather)


Type: Normal
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Vitality + Nature
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: This move fails unless the user is currently under the effects of Stockpile. The user is healed based on the number of “Stockpiles” they have stored

1 Stockpile: 1 Damage Healed
2 Stockpiles: Basic Heal
3 Stockpiles: Complete Heal

After this move is used, all Stockpiles are used up, even if the accuracy check fails.


Type: Normal
Power: 2
Category: Special
Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel
Damage Pool: Special +2
Added Effect: All Foes in Range. Never Fails.

(Never Fails)


Type: Psychic
Power: 5
Category: Special
Accuracy: Special + Channel
Damage Pool: Special +6
Added Effect: Area Attack. This move can only damage Pokemon that share at least one Type with the user.


Tail Whip
Type: Normal
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Cute + Perform
Damage: –
Added Effect: All Foes in Range. Reduce the Defense of those affected.

(Defense -1)


Type: Normal
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Insight + Etiquette
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: Area Effect. All Pokemon currently holding a berry eat it and gain its effects, if any of those effects are applicable. If used outside of battle it will diffuse violent intentions for a few minutes.


Type: Psychic
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Special + Channel
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: Target becomes ungrounded for 3 turns. All moves directed towards the target ignore all accuracy penalties and have the Never Misses property unless they are 1HKO moves. This move fails if the target is under the effects of Ingrain, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, Dynamax, Gigantamax, or Eternamax. If the target is holding an Iron Ball or becomes under the effects of Ingrain after being affected by this move, they are considered Grounded but the other effects of the move still apply.

The following Pokemon are immune to Telekinesis
#0050 Diglett
#0050 Alolan Diglett
#0051 Dugtrio
#0051 Alolan Dugtrio
#0094 Mega Gengar
#0769 Sandygast
#0770 Pallossand
#0960 Wiglett
#0961 Wugtrio


Type: Psychic
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Special + Channel
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: In battles with wild Pokemon, the user flees and the battle ends. In trainer battles, the Pokemon returns to its Pokeball. Choose another Pokemon to take its place. It will be ready to fight on the next round. Switcher Move.

(Priority -6)


Throat Chop
Type: Dark
Power: 3
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl
Damage Pool: Strength +3
Added Effect: The target cannot use any Sound-Based moves for 2 turns.


Type: Poison
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Special + Channel
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: Badly Poison the foe. When used by a Poison-Type Pokemon, it has no accuracy penalty and gains the “Never Misses” property.

(Accuracy -1)


Toxic Spikes
Type: Poison
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Dexterity + Stealth
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: Entry Hazard. Grounded Pokemon that enter the battlefield become Poisoned. If this move is used a second time, it will become Badly Poisoned instead.

(Entry Hazard)


Toxic Thread
Type: Poison
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Insight + Stealth
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: Reduces the Foe’s Dexterity. Target is Poisoned. Both of these effects are independent of each other, so a Steel Type will still have its Dexterity lowered and a Pokemon with the Clear Body Ability will still be Poisoned.

(Dexterity -1)


Trick Room
Type: Psychic
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Special + Channel
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: Invert the order of Initiative. Lasts 5 rounds.

(Field Effect)


Triple Kick:
Type: Fighting
Power: 1*
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl
Damage Pool: Strength + 1*
Added Effect: Triple Action
If the second Accuracy check hits, that hit has a Power of 2, and if the third hits that hit has a Power of 3

(Triple Action, Accuracy -1)


Type: Dragon
Power: 2
Category: Special
Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel
Damage Pool: Special +2
Added Effect: All Foes in Range. Roll 2 Chance Die on each Foe to make them Flinch

(Wind Move)


Veevee Volley
Type: Normal
Power: 0*
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Dexterity + Strength
Damage Pool: Strength +0*
Added Effect: Never Fails. Add 1 Die of Damage for every point of Happiness on the User. This move cannot be Evaded or Clashed.


Water Pledge
Type: Water
Power: 3
Category: Special
Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel
Damage Pool: Special +3
Added Effect: If this move is used the same turn an Ally has already used Grass Pledge, add 2 Die to the Damage Pool and a Swamp appears on the foe’s side of the field. All foes decrease their Dexterity by 2. This effect lasts 4 turns.

If this move is used the same turn an Ally has already used Fire Pledge, add 2 Die to the Damage Pool and a Rainbow appears on the user’s side of the field. The user and their allies add 2 Chance Die to any change-related effects of moves they use. This does not stack with Serene Grace. This effect lasts 4 turns.


Water Sport
Type: Water
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Insight + Nature
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: For the next 5 rounds, reduce the Damage of all Fire-Type moves by 2.


Type: Normal
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Will + Channel
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: Charge Move. If successful, spend 1 Will Point to Activate. The User or an Ally that switches with the User gets targeted with a Basic Heal.

(Charge Move)


Wonder Room
Type: Psychic
Power: –
Category: Support
Accuracy: Special + Channel
Damage Pool: –
Added Effect: Defense and Special Defense will be calculated with Insight instead of Vitality. Lasts 5 rounds.

(Field Effect)


Wring Out:
Type: Normal
Power: 5*
Category: Special
Accuracy: Dexterity + Channel
Damage Pool: Special + 5*
Added Effect: Remove 1 Dice from the Damage Pool for every missing HP on the target. Up to 4 Dice may be removed this way.


Zippy Zap
Type: Electric
Power: 2
Category: Physical
Accuracy: Dexterity + Brawl
Damage Pool: Strength + 2
Added Effect: Priority. This move is always a Critical Hit and gets the proper Bonus for it.

(Priority +1)
