Cathy Chatwin

A former reporter for Vermillion Daily, Cathy Chatwin spins scandal into gold at the Chatterbox Chateau. Recognised by her audacious language and knack for hunting down rumours. Cut loose from the oppressive hold of the VD after daring to expose corruption at the Pokémon Fan Club she now roams Kanto armed with her trusty tablet and Chatot by her side. Her hobbies include: savouring local teas, cross country hiking and crossing people she ought not. Her unapologetic printing of yet-to-be-confirmed rumours about trainers have turned her blog into a digital hotspot, drawing unexpected but welcome engagement. She cares about the truth, above all, and to get the truth sometimes you have to tell a fib or two.
Millie Merryweather (The Intern)

Millie is my star pupil, my protégé, my ace in the hole. She’s a nerd, in a good way! She knows her stuff about all things tech, which is nice for me because frankly a lot of the things I’ve reported on over the years have baffled me entirely. Expect to see more of her as I hand over the reigns to the new tech tag! If you’re from Silph and you’re reading this; hands off, she’s mine! 🙂
Editors note: Millie, could you please do something about that obnoxious hacker when you get the chance? He’s getting into the forums and the blog entries.

The only person on this site who knows the real truth. I’ll stick around until you start posting it. I fixed your layout, btw.