Ahoy, intrepid travellers and lovers of sea-sprayed tales! Cast your gaze upon the bustling port of Vermillion City, a jewel of maritime charm where the silhouettes of ships dance across the horizon. Here, the echoes of the S.S. Anne’s ill-fated voyage mingle with the rhapsodic calls of Wingulls, a siren song for curious souls. The city, marred by storms that tell a story of unruly trainers and battles gone awry, still stands resilient, its piers jutting boldly into the rolling waves. Vermillion is a place where history is not just recounted but felt beneath your feet and in the salty air. Venture through the markets brimming with fresh catches and exotic wares from distant lands, or indulge in the local cuisine, a symphony of flavours as vibrant as the sunsets that paint the docks. Whether you’re chasing the thrill of adventure, longing to hear the tales of old salts, or simply after a spot to relax and watch the tide roll away, Vermillion City awaits with a promise of memories as enduring as the ocean itself.

Points of interest include:
The Vermillion City Lighthouse- Guided tours allow trainers to visit the peak of the lighthouse to watch ships coming into harbour from a unique vantage point.
The Vermillion Harbour- A bustling area of the city where sailors come and go at all hours of the day and night. Beneath the waves all manner of flotsam and jetsam await those bold enough to brave the darkened waves to reclaim lost treasures.
The Beginner’s Cup Arena/Contest Hall- Created to the host the Inaugural Beginner’s Cup of 2017. During the off-season the stewards work hard to transform the arena into a beautiful Contest Hall devoted to the twin arts of satire and parody.
The Vermillion Gym- Home to Argento Kessler and his fellow gym trainers. Test your mettle against his metal, if you’ve got the minerals to overcome his ardent defences you may earn yourself the Wingnut Badge and possible a pearl of wisdom from the self described philosoflexer himself.
The Shipyards- A breakers yard for old and outdated ships, currently used an operating base for the S.S. Anne recovery mission. Despite this the area remains open to the public for tours where trainers may attend lectures from pre-eminent sailors and engineers on the construction of powerful vessels fit for worldwide journeys.
The Pokémon Fan Club- The Headquarters of the world spanning PFC. Many members of high society visit the PFC when passing through Kanto, despite its moderate external appearance the Club remains an exclusive retreat for the wealthy and powerful.
Diglett’s Cave South: Once opening up onto Route 11 the South Eastern terminus of Diglett’s Cave has since collapsed due to ongoing construction of the Arena however a small well still grants access to the tunnels beneath the surface. Update: Due to a turbulent battle between unruly trainers the entirety of the terminus has collapsed, Argento and the Pokémon Explorers League are working around the clock to sift through the debris for injured trainers and Pokémon though as of now it seems nobody was harmed in the calamity.