Access Terminal 17-e<547.62.19.201> <Security Breached 17-e<547.62.19.201>-> <Message to All Kaizen Terminals> [CRITICAL FAILURE] HULL BREACH DETECTED. IMPACT TO SUPERSTRUCTURE: **IRREVERSIBLE**. CREW STATUS: [INSUFFICIENT DATA]. MISSION

The Interview With a satisfying click, my cassette tape whirs to life. Placing it on the table between us I notice my subjects eyes flick
Access Terminal 24-f<434.87.18.198><Security Breached 24-f<434.87.18.198>-> <Message to All Kaizen Terminals>[OXYGEN BREACH] DETECTED ON SPINWARD HULL. INTEGRITY FAILURE IN SUPERSTRUCTURE. IMPACT LOGGED: <<UNSTABLE>>. VENTING ATMOSPHERE TO

Four minutes ago, I am sitting sitting at my desk, wondering how to put together this article on the tapestry, on the bizarre events unfolding

There is a resurgence of Rocket related activities in Kanto. What’s that? You didn’t hear about it? You didn’t read about this in The Vermilion

Enough of the frilly, feel good blog posts. I’m miserable, edgy and tired. I’m in the perfect mood for journalism. This site was created to

Hey guys, just a short one today. We’ve a had a few write-ins from loyal readers and I suppose now’s as good a time as

Dawn In 2003, beneath the broad, hopeful sky of Cerulean City, Kanto set its sights on a new frontier with the establishment of the Space

In the heart of Saffron City resides the Silph Co. Tower, the beating heart of innovation and the backbone of the Kanto economy. If you

HEELLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LOYAL READERS! I’ve been gone for far too long, turns out it’s a long walk from Pewter to Saffron, did you know that? A