The latest, greatest development of Matthew Kenzo’s R&D department. If the Ethics Committee rejects the Integrated Defence Turrets then these will be the new forefront of industrial defence. Automated, AI driven drones, they come in bipedal, quadrupedal and aerial varieties. Drones are nothing new, they’ve been used before but the real star of the show is the ‘TeraDrive’ a sliver of synthesised Tera crystal. When inserted into the drone the sliver allows them to utilise their point defence and strike capabilities in a way that perfectly mimics the commonly recognised ‘typing’ of Pokémon. For instance, a type less slashing strike from a drone without a sliver does little damage to a Pokémon, but with the right drive it can become a devastating Night Slash, Psycho Cut or Aqua Cutter equivalent. Right now the drones only take one drive but they’re working on a revolving cylinder design which will allow them to rotate typing.
Recently, during an assault on Silph Co. HQ in Saffron City the series of prototype TeraDrones were hijacked by Admin Nimbus and began to rampage across the building. In the chaos a wide assortment of TeraDrone parts were stolen by Team Retro Rocket. While they have not yet resurfaced. this event certainly spells disaster.