Evolutionary Items

Auspicious Armor (6000):
-Evolve Charcadet into Armarouge

Berry Sweet (500):
-Evolve Milcery into an Alcremie decorated with Blueberry-shaped Sweets while being spun. What flavor the cream ends up being is based on how it was spun prior to evolution. (Held)

Black Augurite (8000):
-Evolve Scyther into Kleavor

Chipped Pot (6000):
-Evolve Antique Form Sinistea into Antique Form Polteageist

Clover Sweet (500):
-Evolve Milcery into an Alcremie decorated with Clover-shaped Sweets while being spun. What flavor the cream ends up being is based on how it was spun prior to evolution. (Held)

Cracked Pot (4000):
-Evolve Phony Form Sinistea into Phony Form Polteageist

Dawn Stone (10000):
-Evolve Male Kirlia into Gallade
-Evolve Female Snorunt into Froslass

Deep Sea Scale (6000):
-Increases Clamperl’s Special Defense by 2 (Held)
-Evolve Clamperl into Gorebyss when traded (Held)

Deep Sea Tooth (6000):
-Increase Clamperl’s Special by 2 (Held)
-Evolve Clamperl into Huntail when traded (Held)

Dragon Scale (10000):
-Evolve Seadra into Kingdra when traded (Held)

Dubious Disc (10000):
-Evolve Porygon2 into Porygon-Z when traded (Held)

Dusk Stone (10000):
-Evolve Murkrow into Honchkrow
-Evolve Misdreavus into Mismagius
-Evolve Lampent into Chandelure
-Evolve Doublade into Aegislash

Electirizer (10000):
-Evolve Electabuzz into Electivire when traded (Held)

Fire Stone (5000):
-Evolve Vulpix into Ninetales
-Evolve Growlithe into Arcanine
-Evolve Hisuan Growlithe into Hisuian Arcanine
-Evolve Eevee into Flareon
-Evolve Pansear into Simisear
-Evolve Capsakid into Scovillian

Flower Sweet (500):
-Evolve Milcery into an Alcremie decorated with Flower-shaped Sweets while being spun. What flavor the cream ends up being is based on how it was spun prior to evolution. (Held)

Galarica Cuff (6000):
-Evolve Galarian Slowpoke into Galarian Slowbro

Galarica Wreath (6000):
-Evolve Galarian Slowpoke into Galarian Slowking

Gimmighoul Coin (10):
-Evolve Gimmighoul (Chest Form) into Gholdengo if the ownder has 999 of this item on thier person.
-Evolve Gimmighoul (Roaming Form) into Gholdengo if the ownder has 999 of this item on thier person.

Ice Stone (5000):
-Evolve Alolan Sandshrew into Alolan Sandslash
-Evolve Alolan Vulpix into Alolan Ninetales
-Evolve Eevee into Glaceon
-Evolve Galarian Darumaka into Galarian Darmanitan
-Evolve Crabrawler into Crabominable
-Evolve Cetoddle into Cetitan

King’s Rock (6000):
-Add one Chance Dice to flinch on all attacks (Held)
-Evolves Polwhirl into Politoed when traded (Held)
-Evolves Slowpoke into Slowking when traded (Held)

Leader’s Crest (10000)
-Evolves Bisharp into Kingambit after having three victories (Held)

Leaf Stone(5000):
-Evolve Gloom into Vileplume
-Evolve Weepinbell into Victreebel
-Evolve Hisuian Voltorb into Hisuian Electrode
-Evolve Exeggcute into Exeggutor
-Evolve Exeggcute into Alolan Exeggutor
-Evolve Eevee into Leafeon
-Evolve Nuzleaf into Shiftry
-Evolve Pansage into Simisage

Linking Cord(8000):
-Evolve Kadabra into Alakazam
-Evolve Machoke into Machamp
-Evolve Graveler into Golem
-Evolve Alolan Graveler into Alolan Golem
-Evolve Haunter into Gengar
-Evolve Poliwhirl holding King’s Rock into Politoed
-Evolve Slowpoke holding King’s Rock into Slowking
-Evolve Onix holding Metal Coat into Steelix
-Evolve Scyther holding Metal Coat into Scizor
-Evolve Seadra holding Dragon Scale into Kingdra
-Evolve Porygon holding Upgrade into Porygon2
-Evolve Clamperl holding Deep Sea Tooth into Huntail
-Evolve Clamperl holding Deep Sea Scale into Gorebyss
-Evolve Feebas holding Prism Scale into Milotic
-Evolve Rhydon holding Protector into Rhyperior
-Evolve Electabuzz holding Electirizer into Electivire
-Evolve Magmar holding Magmarizer into Magmortar
-Evolve Porygon2 holding Dubious Disc into Porygon-Z
-Evolve Dusclops holding Reaper Cloth into Dusknoir
-Evolve Boldore into Gigalith
-Evolve Gurdurr into Conkeldurr
-Evolve Karrablast into Escavalier and Shelmet into Accelgor if you use two on both at the same time
-Evolve Spritzee holding Sachet into Aromatisse
-Evolve Swirlix holding Whipped Dream into Slurpuff
-Evolve Phantump into Trevanent
-Evolve Pumpkaboo into Gourgeist

Love Sweet (500):
-Evolve Milcery into an Alcremie decorated with Heart-shaped Sweets while being spun. What flavor the cream ends up being is based on how it was spun prior to evolution. (Held)

Magmatizer (10000):
-Evolves Magmar into Magmortar when traded (Held)

Malicious Armor (6000):
-Evolve Charcadet into Ceruledge

Masterpiece Teacup (6000):
-Evolve Artisan Form Poltchageist into Materpiece Form Sinistcha

Meltan Candy (20000):
-Increase Strength, Dexterity, Special, Defense, and Special Defense on Meltan and Melmetal by 1 for the next 24 Hours.
-Evolve Meltan into Melmetal

Metal Alloy (6000):
-Evolve Duraludon into Archaludon

Metal Coat (6000):
-Add 1 Extra Die to the damage of Steel-type moves (Held)
-Evolve Onix into Steelix when traded (Held)
-Evolve Scyther into Scizor when traded (Held)

Moon Shard (5000):
-Evolve Eevee into Umbreon when it has 4 or higher Happiness if its owner has this item on their person which supercedes any conditions that would make it evolve into Espeon or Sylveon instead.

Moon Stone (10000):
-Evolve Nidorina into Nidoqueen
-Evolve Nidorino into Nidoking
-Evolve Clefairy into Clefable
-Evolve Jigglypuff into Wigglytuff
-Evolve Skitty into Delcatty
-Evolve Munna into Musharna

Oval Stone (2000):
-Evolves Happiny into Chansey after a battle during the Day (Held)

Peat Block (10000):
-Evolve Ursaring into Ursaluna at Night during a Full Moon

Prism Scale (10000):
-Evolve Feebas into Milotic when traded (Held)

Protector (10000):
-Evolve Rhydon into Rhyperior when traded (Held)

Razor Claw (6000):
-Moves used have “High Critical” (Held)
-Evolve Sneasel into Weavile after a battle at Night (Held)
-Evolve Hisuian Sneasel intl Sneasler after a battle during the Day (Held)

Razor Fang (6000):
-Add one Chance Dice to flinch on all attacks (Held)
-Evolve Gligar into Gliscor after a battle at Night (Held)

Reaper Cloth (6000):
-Evolve Dusclops into Dusknoir when traded (Held)

Ribbon Sweet (500):
-Evolve Milcery into an Alcremie decorated with Bow-shaped Sweets while being spun. What flavor the cream ends up being is based on how it was spun prior to evolution. (Held)

Sachet (2000):
-Evolve Spritzee into Aromatisse when traded (Held)

Scroll of Darkness (Auction Only):
-Evolve Kubfu into Single Strike Style Urshifu (Reusable)

Scoll of Waters (Auction Only):
-Evolve Kubfu into Rapid Strike Style Urshifu (Reusable)

Shiny Stone (10000):
-Evolve Togetic into Togekiss
-Evolve Roselia into Roserade
-Evolve Minccino into Cinccino
-Evolve Floette into Florges

Star Sweet (500):
-Evolve Milcery into an Alcremie decorated with Star-shaped Sweets while being spun. What flavor the cream ends up being is based on how it was spun prior to evolution. (Held)

Strawberry Sweet (500):
-Evolve Milcery into an Alcremie decorated with Strawberry-shaped Sweets while being spun. What flavor the cream ends up being is based on how it was spun prior to evolution. (Held)

Sun Shard (5000):
-Evolve Eevee into Espeon when it has 4 or higher Happiness if its owner has this item on their person which supercedes any conditions that would make it evolve into Umbreon or Sylveon instead.

Sun Stone (10000):
-Evolve Gloom into Bellossom
-Evolve Sunkern into Sunflora
-Evolve Cottonee into Whimsicott
-Evolve Petilil into Lilligant
-Evolve Petilil into Hisuian Lilligant
-Evolve Helioptile into Heliolisk

Sweet Apple (500):
-Evolve Applin into Appletun

Syrupy Apple (500):
-Evolve Applin into Dipplin

Tart Apple (500):
-Evolve Applin into Flapple

Thunder Stone (5000):
-Evolve Pikachu into Raichu
-Evolve Pikachu into Alolan Raichu
-Evolve Magneton into Magnezone
-Evolve Eevee into Jolteon
-Evolve Nosepass into Probopass
-Evolve Eelektrik into Eelektross
-Evolve Charjabug into Vikavolt
-Evolve Tadbulb into Bellibolt

Unremarkable Teacup (4000):
-Evolve Counterfeit Form Poltchageist into Unremarkable Form Sinistcha

Upgrade (8000):
-Evolve Porygon into Porygon2 when traded (Held)

Water Stone (5000):
-Evolve Poliwhirl into Poliwrath
-Evolve Shellder into Cloyster
-Evolve Staryu into Starmie
-Evolve Eevee into Vaporeon
-Evolve Lombre into Ludicolo
-Evolve Panpour into Simipour

Whipped Dream (2000):
-Evolve Swirlix into Slurpuff when traded (Held)

Beta Items


Fire Kimchi (5000):
A spicy Kimchi of unknown origin.
-Evolve Vulpix into Ninetales
-Evolve Growlithe into Arcanine
-Evolve Hisuan Growlithe into Hisuian Arcanine
-Evolve Eevee into Flareon
-Evolve Pansear into Simisear
-Evolve Capsakid into Scovillian


Thunder Cake (5000):
A sweet puffed rice cake of unknown origin.
-Evolve Pikachu into Raichu
-Evolve Pikachu into Alolan Raichu
-Evolve Magneton into Magnezone
-Evolve Eevee into Jolteon
-Evolve Nosepass into Probopass
-Evolve Eelektrik into Eelektross
-Evolve Charjabug into Vikavolt
-Evolve Tadbulb into Bellibolt


Water Yōkan (5000):
A moist red bean paste-based confection of unknown origin.
-Evolve Poliwhirl into Poliwrath
-Evolve Shellder into Cloyster
-Evolve Staryu into Starmie
-Evolve Eevee into Vaporeon
-Evolve Lombre into Ludicolo
-Evolve Panpour into Simipour


Leaf Pie (5000):
A refreshing, minty pie of unknown origin.
-Evolve Gloom into Vileplume
-Evolve Weepinbell into Victreebel
-Evolve Hisuian Voltorb into Hisuian Electrode
-Evolve Exeggcute into Exeggutor
-Evolve Exeggcute into Alolan Exeggutor
-Evolve Eevee into Leafeon
-Evolve Nuzleaf into Shiftry
-Evolve Pansage into Simisage


Prism Quartz (10000):
A multicolored crystal of unknown origin. Said to allow one to defy the laws of Pokemon evolution.
-Evolve Ivysaur into Fushigisō
-Evolve Wartortle into Minokame
-Evolve Raichu into Gorochu
-Evolve Female Marowak into Garadia
-Evolve Pinsir into Purakkusu
-Evolve Ditto into Animon
-Evolve Combusken into Bursyamo
-Evolve Manectric into Raiou
-Evolve Turtwig into Hayashigame


Life Source (10000)
A primordial gem of unknown origin. It constantly emminates a bright light filled with a powerful life force.
-Evolve Seadra into Kingudora
-Evolve Eevee into Rīfi
-Evolve Yanma into Megayanma
-Evolve Piloswine into Kibamū
-Evolve Pupitar into Bangirasu
-Evolve Nosepass into Dianōzu
-Evolve Bagon into Komorū


Mirage Source (10000)
A ethereal gem of unknown origin. It constantly seems to emit phantasmal images when in one’s peripheral vision.
-Evolve Chinchou into Rantān
-Evolve Wingull into Perikyan
-Evolve Cacnea into Sabotēru
-Evolve Barboach into Namazon
-Evolve Feebas into Mirokarosu
-Evolve Karrablast into Kaburion
-Evolve Shelmet into Kachūdo


Heart Stone (10000):
-Evolve Poliwhirl into Nyoroppi
-Evolve Farfetch’d into Madāmu
-Evolve Lickitung into Namēru
-Evolve Chansey into Happī
-Evolve Scyther into Shizāsu
-Evolve Eevee into Ēfi
-Evolve Spinda into Paōtsu
-Evolve Himanattsu into Sanī


Poison Stone (10000):
-Evolve Poliwhirl into Nyorotono
-Evolve Lickitung into Beroberuto
-Evolve Tangela into Jaranra
-Evolve Qwilfish into Shibirefugu
-Evolve Eevee into Burakkī
-Evolve Shellder into Tāban
-Evolve Gloom into Kireihana
-Evolve Weepinbell into Tsubomitto


Powerful Stone (10000):
-Evolve Hisuian Qwilfish into Overqwil


Technical Stone (10000):
-Evolve Stantler into Wyrdeer


Upgrade Pro (10000):
-Evolve Porygon2 into Porygon3 when traded (Held)


Missing Link Cable (10000):
-Evolve Psyduck into Zuduck
-Evolve Magnemite into Recoil
-Evolve Natu into Neitia


Alolan Relic (10000):
When held by certain Pokemon, they will always evolve into their Alolan Form Evolutions when the normal evolution conditions are met:
-Pikachu into Alolan Raichu
-Exeggcute into Alolan Exeggutor
-Cubone into Alolan Marowak
-Mikon into Alolan Vulpix
-Kōnya into Alolan Meowth
-Betobebī into Alolan Grimer


Galarian Relic (10000):
When held by certain Pokemon, they will always evolve into their Galarian Form Evolutions when the normal evolution conditions are met:
-Koffing into Galarian Weezing
-Mime Jr. into Galarian Mr. Mime
-Kōnya into Galarian Meowth
-Puchikōn into Galarian Ponyta


Hisuian Relic (10000):
When held by certain Pokemon, they will always evolve into their Hisuian Form Evolutions when the normal evolution conditions are met:
-Quilava into Hisuian Typhlosion
-Dewott into Hisuian Samurott
-Petilil into Hisuian Lilligant
-Rufflet into Hisuian Braviary
-Goomy into Hisuian Sliggoo
-Bergmite into Hisuian Avalugg
-Dartrix into Hisuian Decidueye
-Pudi into Hisuian Growlithe


Nihonian Relic (10000):
When held by certain Pokemon, they will evolve in unexpected ways when the normal evolution conditions are met:
-Tyrogue into Kapoerā
-Azurill into Mariru
-Mantyke into Hanēi
-Podi into Memihiusu
-Hakkeyō into Tappun
-Tinkī into Jīransu


Origin Relic (10000):
When held by certain Pokemon, they will always evolve into their most familiar forms when the normal evolution conditions are met:
-Pikachu into Kantonian Raichu
-Exeggcute into Kantonian Exeggutor
-Cubone into Kantonian Marowak
-Koffing into Kantonian Weezing
-Quilava into Johtonian Typhosion
-Tyrouge into Hitmonlee/Hitmonchan/Hitmontop
-Azurill into Marill
-Mime Jr. into Kantonian Mr. Mime
-Mantyke into Mantine
-Dewott into Unovan Samurott
-Petilil into Unovan Lilligant
-Rufflet into Unovan Braviary
-Goomy into Kalosian Sliggoo
-Bergmite into Kalosian Avalugg
-Dartrix into Alolan Decidueye
-Mikon into Kantonian Vulpix
-Kōnya into Kantonian Meowth
-Puchikōn into Kantonian Ponyta
-Betobebī into Kantonian Grimer
-Pudi into Kantonian Growlithe
-Podi into Tropius
-Hakkeyō into Makuhita
-Tinkī into Relicanth
