Base HP: 5
Suggested Rank: Ace
Abilities: Intimidate/Frisk, Sap Sipper(Hidden)
Strength: 3/7
Dexterity: 2/4
Vitality: 2/5
Special: 3/7
Insight: 2/5
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Stantler
Starter Moves:
-Psyshield Bash
Beginner Moves:
-Take Down
Amateur Moves:
-Sand Attack
-Confuse Ray
-Calm Mind
-Zen Headbutt
-Role Play
Ace Moves:
Pro Moves:
-Earth Power
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Ace
Abilities: Swarm/Sheer Force, Sharpness(Hidden)
Strength: 3/7
Dexterity: 2/5
Vitality: 2/5
Special: 2/4
Insight: 2/4
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Scyther
Starter Moves:
-Stone Axe
-Quick Attack
Beginner Moves:
-Smack Down
-Focus Energy
-False Swipe
Amateur Moves:
-Fury Cutter
-Double Hit
-Silver Wind
-Aerial Ace
-Stealth Rock
Ace Moves:
-Air Slash
-Rock Slide
-Swords Dance
-Close Combat
Pro Moves:
-Psycho Cut
-Rock Slide
-Night Slash
Base HP: 6
Suggested Rank: Pro
Abilities: Guts/Bulletproof, Unnerve(Hidden)
Strength: 4/8
Dexterity: 2/4
Vitality: 3/7
Special: 2/5
Insight: 3/6
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Ursaring
Starter Moves:
-Headlong Rush
Beginner Moves:
-Baby-Doll Eyes
-Fake Tears
-Sweet Scent
-Fury Swipes
Amateur Moves:
-Play Nice
-Scary Face
Ace Moves:
-Hammer Arm
-High Horsepower
Pro Moves:
-Swords Dance
Base HP: 6
Suggested Rank: Pro
Abilities: Mind's Eye
Strength: 2/5
Dexterity: 2/4
Vitality: 4/8
Special: 4/8
Insight: 2/5
Evolution Stage: Final
Starter Moves:
-Headlong Rush
Beginner Moves:
-Mud Shot
-Fury Swipes
Amateur Moves:
-Earth Power
-Play Nice
-Scary Face
-Hyper Voice
Ace Moves:
-Hammer Arm
-Hyper Beam
-Blood Moon
Pro Moves:
-Vacuum Wave
-Calm Mind
-Focus Blast
Base HP: 8
Suggested Rank: Ace
Abilities: Swift Swim/Adaptability, Mold Breaker(Hidden)
Strength: 3/7
Dexterity: 2/5
Vitality: 2/5
Special: 2/5
Insight: 2/5
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Male Basculin (White Stripe)
Starter Moves:
-Wave Crash
-Tail Whip
-Confuse Ray
Beginner Moves:
-Night Shade
Amateur Moves:
-Aqua Jet
-Water Pulse
-Take Down
-Aqua Tail
-Scary Face
Ace Moves:
-Head Smash
-Hydro Pump
-Shadow Ball
-Phantom Force
Pro Moves:
-Ominous Wind
-Last Respects
Base HP: 8
Suggested Rank: Ace
Abilities: Swift Swim/Adaptability, Mold Breaker(Hidden)
Strength: 3/6
Dexterity: 2/5
Vitality: 2/5
Special: 3/6
Insight: 2/5
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Female Basculin (White Stripe)
Starter Moves:
-Wave Crash
-Tail Whip
-Confuse Ray
Beginner Moves:
-Night Shade
Amateur Moves:
-Aqua Jet
-Water Pulse
-Take Down
-Aqua Tail
-Scary Face
Ace Moves:
-Head Smash
-Hydro Pump
-Shadow Ball
-Phantom Force
Pro Moves:
-Ominous Wind
-Last Respects
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Ace
Abilities: Pressure/Unburden. Poison Touch(Hidden)
Strength: 3/6
Dexterity: 3/6
Vitality: 2/4
Special: 1/3
Insight: 2/5
Evolution Stage: Finial
Evolves from: Hisuian Sneasel
Starter Moves:
-Dire Claw
Beginner Moves:
-Quick Attack
-Rock Smash
-Bulk Up
Amateur Moves:
-Poison Jab
-Fury Swipes
-Metal Claw
-Hone Claws
-Brick Break
-Toxic Spikes
-Low Sweep
Ace Moves:
-Close Combat
-Gunk Shot
-Swords Dance
Pro Moves:
-Night Slash
-Drain Punch
-Fake Out
Base HP: 5
Suggested Rank: Ace
Abilities: Poison Point/Swift Swim, Intimidate(Hidden)
Strength: 3/7
Dexterity: 3/6
Vitality: 3/6
Special: 2/5
Insight: 2/5
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Hisuian Qwilfish
Starter Moves:
-Barb Barrage
-Fell Stinger
-Poison Sting
Beginner Moves:
Amateur Moves:
-Destiny Bond
-Toxic Spikes
-Spit Up
-Poison Jab
-Pin Missile
-Take Down
-Aqua Tail
Ace Moves:
-Gunk Shot
-Dark Pulse
-Sludge Bomb
Pro Moves:
-Aqua Jet
-Ice Ball
-Swords Dance
Base HP: 3
Suggested Rank: Starter
Abilities: Overgrow, Protean(Hidden)
Strength: 2/4
Dexterity: 2/4
Vitality: 2/4
Special 1/3
Insight: 1/3
Evolution Stage: First
Evolves into: Floragato
Evolution Time: Medium
Starter Moves:
-Tail Whip
Beginner Moves:
-Hone Claws
-Magical Leaf
Amateur Moves:
-Quick Attack
-Seed Bomb
-Worry Seed
Ace Moves:
-Energy Ball
-Play Rough
Pro Moves:
-Grass Pledge
-Leech Seed
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Abilities: Overgrow, Protean(Hidden)
Strength: 2/5
Dexterity: 2/5
Vitality: 2/4
Special 2/4
Insight: 2/4
Evolution Stage: Second
Evolves from: Sprigatito
Evolves into: Meowscarada
Evolution Time: Medium
Starter Moves:
-Tail Whip
Beginner Moves:
-Hone Claws
-Magical Leaf
Amateur Moves:
-Quick Attack
-Seed Bomb
-Worry Seed
Ace Moves:
-Energy Ball
-Play Rough
-Leaf Storm
Pro Moves:
-Petal Blizzard
-Leech Seed
-Ally Switch
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Ace
Abilities: Overgrow, Protean(Hidden)
Strength: 3/7
Dexterity: 3/7
Vitality: 2/5
Special 2/5
Insight: 2/5
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Floragato
Starter Moves:
-Flower Trick
-Tail Whip
Beginner Moves:
-Hone Claws
-Magical Leaf
-Quick Attack
Amateur Moves:
-Seed Bomb
-Worry Seed
-Night Slash
-Double Team
Ace Moves:
-Energy Ball
-Play Rough
-Leaf Storm
-Knock Off
Pro Moves:
-Frenzy Plant
-Thunder Punch
-Sucker Punch
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Starter
Abilities: Blaze, Unaware(Hidden)
Strength: 1/3
Dexterity: 1/3
Vitality: 2/4
Special 2/4
Insight: 1/3
Evolution Stage: First
Evolves into: Crocalor
Evolution Time: Medium
Starter Moves:
Beginner Moves:
Amateur Moves:
Ace Moves:
-Hyper Voice
-Fire Blast
Pro Moves:
-Fire Pledge
Base HP: 5
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Abilities: Blaze, Unaware(Hidden)
Strength: 2/4
Dexterity: 2/4
Vitality: 2/5
Special 2/5
Insight: 2/4
Evolution Stage: Second
Evolves from: Fuecoco
Evolves into: Skeledirge
Evolution Time: Medium
Starter Moves:
Beginner Moves:
Amateur Moves:
Ace Moves:
-Hyper Voice
-Fire Blast
Pro Moves:
Base HP: 6
Suggested Rank: Ace
Abilities: Blaze, Unaware(Hidden)
Strength: 2/5
Dexterity: 2/5
Vitality: 3/6
Special 3/7
Insight: 2/5
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Crocalor
Starter Moves:
-Torch Song
Beginner Moves:
Amateur Moves:
-Scary Face
Ace Moves:
-Hyper Voice
-Fire Blast
-Shadow Ball
Pro Moves:
-Blast Burn
-Earth Power
-Slack Off
Base HP: 3
Suggested Rank: Starter
Abilities: Torrent, Moxie(Hidden)
Strength: 2/4
Dexterity: 2/4
Vitality: 1/3
Special 2/4
Insight: 1/3
Evolution Stage: First
Evolves into: Quaxwell
Evolution Time: Medium
Starter Moves:
-Water Gun
Beginner Moves:
-Work Up
-Wing Attack
-Aqua Jet
Amateur Moves:
-Double Hit
-Aqua Cutter
-Air Slash
-Focus Energy
Ace Moves:
Pro Moves:
-Water Pledge
-Rapid Spin
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Abilities: Torrent, Moxie(Hidden)
Strength: 2/5
Dexterity: 2/5
Vitality: 2/4
Special 2/4
Insight: 2/4
Evolution Stage: Second
Evolves from: Quaxly
Evolves into: Quaquaval
Evolution Time: Medium
Starter Moves:
-Water Gun
Beginner Moves:
-Work Up
-Wing Attack
-Aqua Jet
-Water Pulse
Amateur Moves:
-Low Sweep
-Double Hit
-Aqua Cutter
-Air Slash
-Focus Energy
-Feather Dance
Ace Moves:
Pro Moves:
-Last Resort
-Rapid Spin
Base HP: 5
Suggested Rank: Ace
Abilities: Torrent, Moxie(Hidden)
Strength: 3/7
Dexterity: 3/6
Vitality: 2/5
Special 3/6
Insight: 2/5
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Quaxwell
Starter Moves:
-Aqua Step
-Water Gun
Beginner Moves:
-Work Up
-Wing Attack
-Aqua Jet
-Water Pulse
Amateur Moves:
-Low Sweep
-Double Hit
-Aqua Cutter
-Air Slash
-Focus Energy
-Feather Dance
-Mega Kick
Ace Moves:
-Close Combat
-Wave Crash
Pro Moves:
-Hydro Cannon
-Ice Spinner
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Beginner
Abilities: Aroma Veil/Gluttony, Thick Fat(Hidden)
Strength: 2/4
Dexterity: 1/3
Vitality: 1/3
Special 1/3
Insight: 2/4
Evolution Stage: First
Evolves into: Oinkologne (Male) if Male or Oinkologne (Female) if Female
Evolution Time: Medium
Starter Moves:
-Tail Whip
Beginner Moves:
-Disarming Voice
-Echoed Voice
-Mud Shot
Amateur Moves:
-Take Down
-Work Up
Ace Moves:
Pro Moves:
-Stuff Cheeks
-Bullet Seed
Base HP: 6
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Abilities: Lingering Aroma/Gluttony, Thick Fat(Hidden)
Strength: 3/6
Dexterity: 2/4
Vitality: 2/4
Special 2/4
Insight: 2/4
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Male Lechonk
Starter Moves:
-Tail Whip
Beginner Moves:
-Disarming Voice
-Echoed Voice
-Mud Shot
Amateur Moves:
-Take Down
-Work Up
Ace Moves:
-Earth Power
Pro Moves:
-Stuff Cheeks
-Stomping Tantrum
Base HP: 6
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Abilities: Aroma Veil/Gluttony, Thick Fat(Hidden)
Strength: 2/5
Dexterity: 2/4
Vitality: 2/4
Special 2/4
Insight: 2/5
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Female Lechonk
Starter Moves:
-Tail Whip
Beginner Moves:
-Disarming Voice
-Echoed Voice
-Mud Shot
Amateur Moves:
-Take Down
-Work Up
Ace Moves:
-Earth Power
Pro Moves:
-Stuff Cheeks
-Seed Bomb
Base HP: 3
Suggested Rank: Starter
Abilities: Insomnia, Stakeout(Hidden)
Strength: 1/3
Dexterity: 1/2
Vitality: 2/4
Special 1/3
Insight: 1/3
Evolution Stage: First
Evolves into: Spidops
Evolution Time: Fast
Starter Moves:
-String Shot
Beginner Moves:
-Struggle Bug
Amateur Moves:
-Bug Bite
-Sticky Web
-Gastro Acid
Ace Moves:
-Circle Throw
-Throat Chop
-Skitter Smack
Pro Moves:
-Sucker Punch
-Shadow Claw
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Abilities: Insomnia, Stakeout(Hidden)
Strength: 2/5
Dexterity: 1/3
Vitality: 3/6
Special 2/4
Insight: 2/5
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Tarountula
Starter Moves:
-Silk Trap
-String Shot
-Struggle Bug
Beginner Moves:
-Bug Bite
Amateur Moves:
-Sticky Web
-Gastro Acid
-Circle Throw
-Skitter Smack
Ace Moves:
-Throat Chop
-Leech Life
-First Impression
Pro Moves:
-Sucker Punch
-Low Kick
Base HP: 3
Suggested Rank: Beginner
Abilities: Swarm, Tinted Lens(Hidden)
Strength: 2/4
Dexterity: 2/4
Vitality: 1/3
Special 1/3
Insight: 1/3
Evolution Stage: First
Evolves into: Lokix
Evolution Time: Medium
Starter Moves:
Beginner Moves:
-Struggle Bug
Amateur Moves:
-Double Kick
-Bug Bite
Ace Moves:
-Sucker Punch
-First Impression
Pro Moves:
-Skitter Smack
-Leech Life
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Abilities: Swarm, Tinted Lens(Hidden)
Strength: 3/6
Dexterity: 3/6
Vitality: 2/5
Special 2/4
Insight: 2/4
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Nymble
Starter Moves:
Beginner Moves:
-Struggle Bug
-Double Kick
Amateur Moves:
-Bug Bite
-Sucker Punch
-Low Kick
Ace Moves:
-First Impression
-Throat Chop
-Axe Kick
Pro Moves:
-Skitter Smack
-Leech Life
Base HP: 3
Suggested Rank: Starter
Abilities: Static/Natural Cure, Iron Fist(Hidden)
Strength: 2/4
Dexterity: 2/5
Vitality: 1/3
Special 1/3
Insight: 1/3
Evolution Stage: First
Evolves into: Pawmo
Evolution Time: Medium
Starter Moves:
-Thunder Shock
Beginner Moves:
-Quick Attack
Amateur Moves:
-Thunder Wave
Ace Moves:
-Wild Charge
Pro Moves:
-Fake Out
-Sweet Kiss
-Mach Punch
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Abilities: Static/Natural Cure, Iron Fist(Hidden)
Strength: 2/5
Dexterity: 3/6
Vitality: 2/4
Special 2/4
Insight: 2/4
Evolution Stage: Second
Evolves from: Pawmi
Evolves into: Pawmot
Evolution Method: Walk alongside Pawmo for at least 5 Kilometers
Starter Moves:
-Thunder Shock
Beginner Moves:
-Quick Attack
-Thunder Wave
Amateur Moves:
-Arm Thrust
Ace Moves:
-Wild Charge
Pro Moves:
-Fake Out
-Sweet Kiss
-Mach Punch
Base HP: 5
Suggested Rank: Ace
Abilities: Static/Natural Cure, Iron Fist(Hidden)
Strength: 3/7
Dexterity: 3/7
Vitality: 2/5
Special 2/5
Insight: 2/5
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Pawmo
Starter Moves:
-Revival Blessing
-Thunder Shock
Beginner Moves:
-Quick Attack
-Thunder Wave
Amateur Moves:
-Arm Thrust
-Wild Charge
Ace Moves:
-Close Combat
-Double Shock
Pro Moves:
-Fake Out
-Mach Punch
Base HP: 3
Suggested Rank: Beginner
Abilities: Run Away/Pick Up, Own Tempo(Hidden)
Strength: 1/3
Dexterity: 2/5
Vitality: 1/3
Special 1/3
Insight: 1/3
Evolution Stage: First
Evolves into: Maushold
Evolution Time: Evolves seemingly at random after becoming Amateur rank, even if it is in its Pokeball, Daycare, or the PC Storage System.
Starter Moves:
-Baby-Doll Eyes
Beginner Moves:
-Echoed Voice
-Helping Hand
Amateur Moves:
-Double Hit
-Bullet Seed
-Beat Up
Ace Moves:
-Super Fang
-Play Rough
-Hyper Voice
-Population Bomb
Pro Moves:
-Thunder Wave
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Abilities: Friend Guard/Cheek Pouch, Technician(Hidden)
Strength: 2/4
Dexterity: 3/7
Vitality: 2/4
Special 2/4
Insight: 2/4
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Tandemaus
Starter Moves:
-Tidy Up
-Baby-Doll Eyes
Beginner Moves:
-Echoed Voice
-Helping Hand
Amateur Moves:
-Double Hit
-Bullet Seed
-Beat Up
-Follow Me
-Hyper Voice
Ace Moves:
-Super Fang
-Play Rough
-Population Bomb
Pro Moves:
-Aerial Ace
-Low Kick
Base HP: 3
Suggested Rank: Beginner
Abilities: Own Tempo, Klutz(Hidden)
Strength: 1/3
Dexterity: 2/4
Vitality: 2/4
Special 1/3
Insight: 1/3
Evolution Stage: First
Evolves into: Dachsbun
Evolution Time: Medium
Starter Moves:
-Tail Whip
Beginner Moves:
-Baby-Doll Eyes
Amateur Moves:
-Work Up
-Play Rough
Ace Moves:
-Baton Pass
-Last Resort
Pro Moves:
-Sweet Scent
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Abilities: Well-Baked Body, Aroma Veil(Hidden)
Strength: 2/5
Dexterity: 2/5
Vitality: 3/6
Special 2/4
Insight: 2/5
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Fidough
Starter Moves:
-Tail Whip
Beginner Moves:
-Baby-Doll Eyes
Amateur Moves:
-Work Up
-Play Rough
-Baton Pass
Ace Moves:
-Last Resort
Pro Moves:
-Misty Terrain
-Body Press
Base HP: 3
Suggested Rank: Starter
Abilities: Early Bird, Harvest(Hidden)
Strength: 1/3
Dexterity: 1/3
Vitality: 1/3
Special: 2/4
Insight: 1/3
Evolution Stage: First
Evolves into: Dolliv
Evolution Time: Medium
Starter Moves:
-Sweet Scent
Beginner Moves:
Amateur Moves:
-Razor Leaf
-Helping Hand
-Mega Drain
-Grassy Terrain
-Leech Seed
Ace Moves:
-Seed Bomb
-Energy Ball
-Terrain Pulse
Pro Moves:
-Magical Leaf
-Sunny Day
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Beginner
Abilities: Early Bird, Harvest(Hidden)
Strength: 2/4
Dexterity: 1/3
Vitality: 2/4
Special: 2/5
Insight: 2/5
Evolution Stage: Second
Evolves from: Smoliv
Evolves into: Arboliva
Evolution Time: Medium
Starter Moves:
-Sweet Scent
Beginner Moves:
Amateur Moves:
-Razor Leaf
-Helping Hand
-Mega Drain
-Grassy Terrain
-Leech Seed
Ace Moves:
-Seed Bomb
-Energy Ball
-Terrain Pulse
Pro Moves:
-Giga Drain
-Weather Ball
Base HP: 5
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Abilities: Early Bird, Harvest(Hidden)
Strength: 2/4
Dexterity: 2/4
Vitality: 2/5
Special: 3/7
Insight: 3/6
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Dolliv
Starter Moves:
-Sweet Scent
Beginner Moves:
-Razor Leaf
-Helping Hand
Amateur Moves:
-Mega Drain
-Grassy Terrain
-Leech Seed
-Seed Bomb
-Energy Ball
Ace Moves:
-Terrain Pulse
-Mirror Coat
-Petal Blizzard
-Petal Dance
Pro Moves:
-Strength Sap
-Earth Power
-Hyper Voice
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Abilities: Intimidate/Hustle, Guts(Hidden, Green/Blue Plumage), Sheer Force(Hidden, Yellow/White Plumage)
Strength: 2/5
Dexterity: 2/5
Vitality: 2/4
Special 2/4
Insight: 2/4
Evolution Stage: Final
Starter Moves:
Beginner Moves:
-Fury Attack
-Quick Attack
Amateur Moves
-Aerial Ace
Ace Moves:
-Brave Bird
-Parting Shot
Pro Moves
-Heat Wave
-Dual Wingbeat
-Lash Out
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Beginner
Abilities: Purifying Salt/Sturdy, Clear Body(Hidden)
Strength: 2/4
Dexterity: 1/2
Vitality: 2/5
Special: 1/3
Insight: 1/3
Evolution Stage: First
Evolves into: Naclstack
Evolution Time: Medium
Starter Moves:
-Rock Throw
Beginner Moves:
-Mud Shot
-Smack Down
Amateur Moves:
-Rock Polish
-Iron Defense
-Rock Slide
-Stealth Rock
Ace Moves:
-Heavy Slam
-Stone Edge
Pro Moves:
Base HP: 5
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Abilities: Purifying Salt/Sturdy, Clear Body(Hidden)
Strength: 2/5
Dexterity: 1/3
Vitality: 3/6
Special: 2/4
Insight: 2/5
Evolution Stage: Second
Evolves from: Nacli
Evolves into: Garganacl
Evolution Time: Medium
Starter Moves:
-Salt Cure
-Rock Throw
Beginner Moves:
-Mud Shot
-Smack Down
-Rock Polish
Amateur Moves:
-Iron Defense
-Rock Slide
-Stealth Rock
-Heavy Slam
Ace Moves:
-Stone Edge
Pro Moves:
-Power Gem
-Stomping Tantrum
Base HP: 6
Suggested Rank: Ace
Abilities: Purifying Salt/Sturdy, Clear Body(Hidden)
Strength: 3/6
Dexterity: 2/4
Vitality: 3/7
Special: 2/4
Insight: 3/6
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves From: Naclstack
Starter Moves:
-Salt Cure
-Rock Throw
Beginner Moves:
-Mud Shot
-Smack Down
-Rock Polish
-Iron Defense
Amateur Moves:
-Rock Slide
-Stealth Rock
-Heavy Slam
-Hammer Arm
Ace Moves:
-Stone Edge
Pro Moves:
-Body Press
Base HP: 3
Suggested Rank: Beginner
Abilities: Flash Fire, Flame Body(Hidden)
Strength: 2/4
Dexterity: 1/3
Vitality: 1/3
Special: 2/4
Insight: 1/3
Evolution Stage: First
Evolves into: Armarouge or Ceruledge
-Can Evolve into Armarouge using Auspicious Armor
-Can Evolve into Ceruledge using Malicious Armor
Starter Moves:
Beginner Moves:
-Clear Smog
-Fire Spin
Amateur Moves:
-Night Shade
-Flame Charge
Ace Moves:
-Lava Plume
Pro Moves:
-Destiny Bond
Base HP: 5
Suggested Rank: Ace
Abilities: Flash Fire, Weak Armor(Hidden)
Strength: 2/4
Dexterity: 2/5
Vitality: 3/6
Special: 3/7
Insight: 2/5
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Charcadet
Starter Moves:
-Wide Guard
Beginner Moves:
-Clear Smog
-Fire Spin
-Night Shade
Amateur Moves:
-Flame Charge
-Lava Plume
-Calm Mind
-Ally Switch
-Psychic Terrain
-Dark Pulse
Ace Moves:
-Shadow Ball
-Expanding Force
-Armor Cannon
-Solar Beam
Pro Moves:
-Aura Sphere
-Dragon Pulse
-Flash Cannon
Base HP: 5
Suggested Rank: Ace
Abilities: Flash Fire, Weak Armor(Hidden)
Strength: 3/7
Dexterity: 2/5
Vitality: 2/5
Special: 2/4
Insight: 3/6
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Charcadet
Starter Moves:
-Shadow Claw
-Quick Guard
Beginner Moves:
-Clear Smog
-Fire Spin
-Night Shade
Amateur Moves:
-Flame Charge
-Lava Plume
-Swords Dance
-Ally Switch
-Shadow Sneak
-Night Slash
Ace Moves:
-Bitter Blade
-Psycho Cut
-Phantom Force
-Flare Blitz
-Solar Blade
Pro Moves:
-Close Combat
-Dragon Claw
-Iron Head
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Beginner
Abilities: Own Tempo/Static, Damp(Hidden)
Strength: 1/3
Dexterity: 1/3
Vitality: 1/3
Special: 2/4
Insight: 1/3
Evolution Stage: First
Evolves into: Bellibolt
Evolution Method: Thunder Stone
Starter Moves:
Beginner Moves:
-Thunder Shock
-Water Gun
Amateur Moves:
-Mud Shot
-Weather Ball
-Electric Terrain
Ace Moves:
-Sucker Punch
-Zap Cannon
Pro Moves:
-Muddy Water
-Parabolic Charge
Base HP: 7
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Abilities: Electromorphosis/Static, Damp(Hidden)
Strength: 2/4
Dexterity: 1/3
Vitality: 2/5
Special: 3/6
Insight: 2/5
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Tadbulb
Starter Moves:
-Thunder Shock
Beginner Moves:
-Water Gun
-Mud Shot
Amateur Moves:
-Weather Ball
-Electric Terrain
-Sucker Punch
-Chilling Water
-Acid Spray
Ace Moves:
-Zap Cannon
-Slack Off
-Hyper Voice
Pro Moves:
-Muddy Water
-Parabolic Charge
Base HP: 3
Suggested Rank: Beginner
Abilities: Wind Power/Volt Absorb, Competitive(Hidden)
Strength: 1/3
Dexterity: 2/5
Vitality: 1/3
Special: 2/4
Insight: 1/3
Evolution Stage: First
Evolves into: Kilowattrel
Evolution Time: Medium
Starter Moves:
Beginner Moves:
-Thunder Shock
-Quick Attack
Amateur Moves:
-Volt Switch
Ace Moves:
-Dual Wingbeat
Pro Moves:
-Weather Ball
-Air Cutter
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Ace
Abilities: Wind Power/Volt Absorb, Competitive(Hidden)
Strength: 2/4
Dexterity: 3/7
Vitality: 2/4
Special: 3/6
Insight: 2/4
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Wattrel
Starter Moves:
-Thunder Shock
Beginner Moves:
-Quick Attack
Amateur Moves:
-Volt Switch
-Electro Ball
Ace Moves:
-Dual Wingbeat
Pro Moves:
-Weather Ball
-Air Slash
Base HP: 3
Suggested Rank: Beginner
Abilities: Intimidate/Run Away, Stakeout(Hidden)
Strength: 2/4
Dexterity: 1/3
Vitality: 2/4
Special 1/3
Insight: 1/3
Evolution Stage: First
Evolves into: Mabosstiff
Evolution Time: Medium
Starter Moves:
Beginner Moves:
-Scary Face
Amateur Moves:
-Hone Claws
Ace Moves:
-Jaw Lock
Pro Moves:
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Abilities: Intimidate/Guard Dog, Stakeout(Hidden)
Strength: 3/7
Dexterity: 2/5
Vitality: 2/5
Special 2/4
Insight: 2/4
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Maschiff
Starter Moves:
-Scary Face
Beginner Moves:
-Hone Claws
Amateur Moves:
Ace Moves:
-Jaw Lock
Pro Moves:
-Play Rough
-Wild Charge
Base HP: 3
Suggested Rank: Beginner
Abilities: Unburden/Pickpocket, Prankster(Hidden)
Strength: 2/4
Dexterity: 2/4
Vitality: 1/3
Special 1/3
Insight: 1/3
Evolution Stage: First
Evolves into: Graifaiai
Evolution Time: Medium
Starter Moves:
Beginner Moves:
-Fury Swipes
Amateur Moves:
-Acid Spray
-Poison Fang
Ace Moves:
-Poison Jab
-Knock Off
-Gunk Shot
Pro Moves:
-Cross Poison
-Super Fang
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Abilities: Unburden/Poison Touch, Prankster(Hidden)
Strength: 2/5
Dexterity: 3/6
Vitality: 2/4
Special 2/4
Insight: 2/4
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Shroodle
Starter Moves:
Beginner Moves:
-Fury Swipes
-Acid Spray
Amateur Moves:
-Poison Fang
-Poison Jab
Ace Moves:
-Knock Off
-Gunk Shot
Pro Moves:
-Parting Shot
Base HP: 3
Suggested Rank: Beginner
Abilities: Wind Rider, Infiltrator(Hidden)
Strength: 2/4
Dexterity: 2/4
Vitality: 1/3
Special 1/3
Insight: 1/3
Evolution Stage: First
Evolves into: Brambleghast
Evolution Method: Walk alongside Bramblin for at least 5 Kilometers
Starter Moves:
-Defense Curl
Beginner Moves:
Amateur Moves:
-Rapid Spin
-Bullet Seed
-Mega Drain
-Pain Spilt
-Shadow Sneak
Ace Moves:
-Phantom Force
-Giga Drain
-Power Whip
-Strength Sap
Pro Moves:
-Leech Seed
-Grassy Glide
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Abilities: Wind Rider, Infiltrator(Hidden)
Strength: 2/5
Dexterity: 3/6
Vitality: 2/4
Special 2/4
Insight: 2/4
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Bramblin
Starter Moves:
-Defense Curl
Beginner Moves:
-Rapid Spin
-Bullet Seed
Amateur Moves:
-Mega Drain
-Pain Spilt
-Shadow Sneak
-Beat Up
Ace Moves:
-Phantom Force
-Giga Drain
-Power Whip
-Strength Sap
Pro Moves:
-Leech Seed
-Grassy Glide
Base HP: 3
Suggested Rank: Beginner
Abilities: Mycelium Might
Strength: 1/3
Dexterity: 2/5
Vitality: 1/3
Special 2/4
Insight: 3/6
Evolution Stage: First
Evolves into: Toedscruel
Evolution Time: Slow
Starter Moves:
Beginner Moves:
Amateur Moves:
-Stun Spore
-Poison Powder
-Mega Drain
-Mud Shot
-Seed Bomb
Ace Moves:
-Giga Drain
-Earth Power
-Power Whip
Pro Moves:
-Leech Seed
-Confuse Ray
-Rain Dance
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Abilities: Mycelium Might
Strength: 2/5
Dexterity: 3/6
Vitality: 2/4
Special 2/5
Insight: 3/7
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Toedscool
Starter Moves:
Beginner Moves:
Amateur Moves:
-Stun Spore
-Poison Powder
-Mega Drain
-Mud Shot
-Seed Bomb
Ace Moves:
-Giga Drain
-Earth Power
-Power Whip
-Foul Play
Pro Moves:
-Leech Seed
-Mirror Coat
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Abilities: Anger Shell/Shell Armor, Regenerator(Hidden)
Strength: 3/6
Dexterity: 2/5
Vitality: 3/7
Special: 1/3
Insight: 1/4
Evolution Stage: Final
Starter Moves:
-Vise Grip
-Rock Throw
Beginner Moves:
-Rock Smash
-Rock Tomb
Amateur Moves:
-Metal Claw
-Rock Blast
-Swords Dance
-Iron Defense
-Rock Slide
-Stomping Tantrum
Ace Moves:
-High Highpower
-Stone Edge
Pro Moves:
-Knock Off
Base HP: 3
Suggested Rank: Beginner
Abilities: Chlorophyll/Insomnia, Klutz(Hidden)
Strength: 2/4
Dexterity: 1/3
Vitality: 1/3
Special: 2/4
Insight: 1/3
Evolution Stage: First
Evolves into: Scovillian
Evolution Method: Fire Stone
Starter Moves:
Beginner Moves:
Amateur Moves:
-Razor Leaf
-Sunny Day
-Bullet Seed
-Zen Headbutt
Ace Moves:
-Seed Bomb
-Solar Beam
Pro Moves:
-Rage Powder
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Abilities: Chlorophyll/Insomnia, Klutz(Hidden)
Strength: 3/6
Dexterity: 2/4
Vitality: 2/4
Special: 3/6
Insight: 2/4
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Capsakid
Starter Moves:
-Spicy Extract
Beginner Moves:
-Razor Leaf
-Sunny Day
-Fire Fang
Amateur Moves:
-Bullet Seed
-Zen Headbutt
-Worry Seed
Ace Moves:
-Seed Bomb
-Solar Beam
Pro Moves:
-Leech Seed
-Rage Powder
Base HP: 3
Suggested Rank: Beginner
Ability: Compound Eyes, Shed Skin(Hidden)
Strength: 2/4
Dexterity: 1/2
Vitality: 2/4
Special: 1/3
Insight: 2/4
Evolution Stage: First
Evolves into: Rabsca
Evolution Method: Walk alongside Rellor for at least 5 Kilometers
Starter Moves:
-Defense Curl
Beginner Moves:
-Sand Attack
-Struggle Bug
Amateur Moves:
-Mud Shot
-Bug Bite
-Take Down
Ace Moves:
Pro Moves:
-Cosmic Power
Base HP: 5
Suggested Rank: Ace
Ability: Synchronize, Telepathy(Hidden
Strength: 2/4
Dexterity: 1/3
Vitality: 2/5
Special: 3/7
Insight: 3/6
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Rellor
Starter Moves:
-Revival Blessing
-Defense Curl
-Sand Attack
Beginner Moves:
-Struggle Bug
-Mud Shot
Amateur Moves:
-Bug Bite
-Take Down
-Psych Up
Ace Moves:
-Speed Swap
-Power Swap
-Guard Swap
-Bug Buzz
Pro Moves:
-Cosmic Power
-Weather Ball
Base HP: 3
Suggested Rank: Beginner
Ability: Anticipation/Frisk, Speed Boost(Hidden)
Strength: 1/3
Dexterity: 2/5
Vitality: 1/3
Special: 2/4
Insight: 1/3
Evolution Stage: First
Evolves into: Espathra
Evolution Time: Medium
Starter Moves:
Beginner Moves:
-Baby-Doll Eyes
Amateur Moves:
-Disarming Voice
-Quick Attack
Ace Moves:
Pro Moves:
-Ally Switch
Base HP: 5
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Ability: Opportunist/Frisk, Speed Boost(Hidden)
Strength: 2/4
Dexterity: 3/6
Vitality: 2/4
Special: 3/6
Insight: 2/4
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Flittle
Starter Moves:
-Lumina Crash
Beginner Moves:
-Baby-Doll Eyes
-Disarming Voice
-Quick Attack
Amateur Moves:
-Feather Dance
Ace Moves:
-Drill Peck
-Last Resort
Pro Moves:
-Dazzling Gleam
Base HP: 3
Suggested Rank: Beginner
Abilities: Mold Breaker/Own Tempo, Pickpocket(Hidden)
Strength: 1/3
Dexterity: 2/4
Vitality: 1/3
Special: 1/3
Insight: 2/4
Evolution Stage: First
Evolves into: Tinkatuff
Evolution Time: Medium
Starter Moves:
-Fairy Wind
-Baby-Doll Eyes
Beginner Moves:
-Metal Claw
-Rock Smash
-Sweet Kiss
Amateur Moves:
-Draining Kiss
-Brutal Swing
-Flash Cannon
-Fake Out
Ace Moves:
-Play Rough
-Skitter Smack
-Knock Off
Pro Moves:
-Ice Hammer
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Abilities: Mold Breaker/Own Tempo, Pickpocket(Hidden)
Strength: 2/4
Dexterity: 2/5
Vitality: 2/4
Special: 2/4
Insight: 2/5
Evolution Stage: Second
Evolves from: Tinkatink
Evolves into: Tinkaton
Evolution Time: Medium
Starter Moves:
-Fairy Wind
-Baby-Doll Eyes
Beginner Moves:
-Metal Claw
-Rock Smash
-Sweet Kiss
Amateur Moves:
-Draining Kiss
-Brutal Swing
-Flash Cannon
-Fake Out
Ace Moves:
-Play Rough
-Skitter Smack
-Knock Off
Pro Moves:
-Stealth Rock
-Ice Hammer
Base HP: 5
Suggested Rank: Ace
Abilities: Mold Breaker/Own Tempo, Pickpocket(Hidden)
Strength: 2/5
Dexterity: 3/6
Vitality: 2/5
Special: 2/5
Insight: 3/7
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Tinkatuff
Starter Moves:
-Gigaton Hammer
-Fairy Wind
-Baby-Doll Eyes
Beginner Moves:
-Metal Claw
-Rock Smash
-Sweet Kiss
Amateur Moves:
-Draining Kiss
-Brutal Swing
-Flash Cannon
-Fake Out
-Skitter Smack
Ace Moves:
-Play Rough
-Knock Off
-Swords Dance
Pro Moves:
-Foul Play
-Ice Hammer
-Steel Beam
Base HP: 3
Suggested Rank: Beginner
Abilities: Gooey/Rattled, Sand Veil(Hidden)
Strength: 2/4
Dexterity: 2/5
Vitality: 1/3
Special: 1/3
Insight: 1/3
Evolution Stage: First
Evolves into: Wugtrio
Evolution Time: Medium
Starter Moves:
-Water Gun
-Sand Attack
Beginner Moves:
-Water Pulse
Amateur Moves:
-Aqua Jet
-Throat Chop
-Sucker Punch
-Stomping Tantrum
Ace Moves:
-Earth Power
Pro Moves:
-Final Gambit
-Ice Beam
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Abilities: Gooey/Rattled, Sand Veil(Hidden)
Strength: 2/5
Dexterity: 3/7
Vitality: 2/4
Special: 2/4
Insight: 2/5
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Wiglett
Starter Moves:
-Triple Dive
-Water Gun
-Sand Attack
Beginner Moves:
-Water Pulse
Amateur Moves:
-Aqua Jet
-Throat Chop
-Sucker Punch
-Stomping Tantrum
-Chilling Water
Ace Moves:
-Earth Power
-Hydro Pump
-Foul Play
Pro Moves:
-Final Gambit
Base HP: 5
Suggested Rank: Ace
Abilities: Big Pecks/Keen Eye, Rocky Payload(Hidden)
Strength: 3/6
Dexterity: 2/5
Vitality: 2/5
Special 2/4
Insight: 2/5
Evolution Stage: Final
Starter Moves:
-Hone Claws
Beginner Moves:
-Wing Attack
-Rock Throw
Amateur Moves:
-Rock Tomb
Ace Moves:
-Dual Wingbeat
-Rock Slide
-Knock Off
-Parting Shot
Pro Moves:
-Brave Bird
-Power Trip
-Stone Edge
Base HP: 3
Suggested Rank: Beginner
Abilities: Water Veil
Strength: 1/3
Dexterity: 2/4
Vitality: 1/3
Special 1/3
Insight: 1/3
Evolution Stage: First
Evolves into: Palafin
Evolution Time: Slow
Starter Moves:
-Water Gun
Beginner Moves:
-Focus Energy
Amateur Moves:
-Aqua Jet
-Double Hit
Ace Moves:
-Aqua Tail
-Hydro Pump
Pro Moves:
Base HP: 5
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Abilities: Zero to Hero
Strength: 2/4
Dexterity: 3/6
Vitality: 2/5
Special 2/4
Insight: 2/4
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Finizen
Starter Moves:
-Jet Punch
-Water Gun
Beginner Moves:
-Focus Energy
Amateur Moves:
-Aqua Jet
-Double Hit
-Aqua Tail
-Flip Turn
Ace Moves:
-Hydro Pump
-Focus Punch
-Wave Crash
Pro Moves:
Base HP: 5
Suggested Rank: Ace
Abilities: Zero to Hero
Strength: 3/7
Dexterity: 3/6
Vitality: 3/6
Special 3/6
Insight: 2/5
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Finizen
Starter Moves:
-Jet Punch
-Water Gun
Beginner Moves:
-Focus Energy
Amateur Moves:
-Aqua Jet
-Double Hit
-Aqua Tail
-Flip Turn
Ace Moves:
-Hydro Pump
-Focus Punch
-Wave Crash
Pro Moves:
Base HP: 3
Suggested Rank: Beginner
Abilities: Overcoat, Slow Start(Hidden)
Strength: 2/5
Dexterity: 1/3
Vitality: 2/4
Special 1/3
Insight: 1/3
Evolution Stage: First
Evolves into: Revavroom
Evolution Time: Slow
Starter Moves:
-Poison Gas
Beginner Moves
Amateur Moves:
-Gyro Ball
-Iron Head
-Poison Jab
Ace Moves:
-Spin Out
-Gunk Shot
Pro Moves:
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Ace
Abilities: Overcoat, Filter(Hidden)
Strength: 3/7
Dexterity: 3/6
Vitality: 3/6
Special 2/4
Insight: 2/4
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Varoom
Starter Moves:
-Shift Gear
-Poison Gas
Beginner Moves
Amateur Moves:
-Gyro Ball
-Iron Head
-Poison Jab
-Magnet Rise
Ace Moves:
-Spin Out
-Gunk Shot
Pro Moves:
-Parting Shot
-Steel Beam
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Abilities: Shed Skin, Regenerator(Hidden)
Strength: 3/6
Dexterity: 3/7
Vitality: 2/4
Special 2/5
Insight: 2/4
Evolution Stage: Final
Starter Moves:
Beginner Moves:
-Breaking Swipe
-Quick Attack
Amateur Moves:
-Rapid Spin
-Dragon Claw
-Dragon Pulse
-Take Down
-Hyper Voice
Ace Moves:
-Shed Tail
-Shift Gear
-Dragon Rush
-Knock Off
Pro Moves:
-Aqua Tail
-Power Whip
-Draco Meteor
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Abilities: Earth Eater, Sand Veil(Hidden)
Strength: 2/5
Dexterity: 2/5
Vitality: 4/8
Special 2/4
Insight: 2/4
Evolution Stage: Final
Starter Moves:
Beginner Moves:
-Smack Down
-Iron Defense
Amateur Moves:
-Iron Head
-Take Down
-Rock Blast
Ace Moves:
-Iron Tail
-Shed Tail
-Rock Slide
-Body Press
Pro Moves:
-Metal Burst
-Steel Beam
Base HP: 3
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Abilities: Toxic Derbis, Corrosion(Hidden)
Strength: 1/3
Dexterity: 2/4
Vitality: 1/3
Special 3/6
Insight: 2/4
Evolution Stage: First
Evolves into: Glimmora
Evolution Time: Medium
Starter Moves:
-Rock Throw
Beginner Moves:
-Smack Down
-Acid Spray
Amateur Moves:
-Ancient Power
-Rock Polish
-Stealth Rock
-Rock Slide
-Acid Armor
Ace Moves:
-Power Gem
-Sludge Wave
Pro Moves:
-Mud Shot
Base HP: 5
Suggested Rank: Ace
Abilities: Toxic Derbis, Corrosion(Hidden)
Strength: 2/4
Dexterity: 2/5
Vitality: 3/6
Special 3/7
Insight: 2/5
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Glimmet
Starter Moves:
-Mortal Spin
-Spiky Shield
-Rock Throw
Beginner Moves:
-Smack Down
-Acid Spray
-Rock Polish
-Acid Armor
Amateur Moves:
-Ancient Power
-Stealth Rock
-Rock Slide
-Toxic Spikes
Ace Moves:
-Power Gem
-Sludge Wave
Pro Moves:
-Earth Power
Base HP: 3
Suggested Rank: Beginner
Abilities: Pick Up, Fluffy(Hidden)
Strength: 2/4
Dexterity: 1/3
Vitality: 2/4
Special 1/3
Insight: 2/4
Evolution Stage: First
Evolves into: Houndstone
Evolution Time: Medium (Evolves at Night)
Starter Moves:
-Tail Whip
Beginner Moves:
Amateur Moves:
-Helping Hand
Ace Moves:
-Play Rough
-Phantom Force
Pro Moves:
-Shadow Sneak
-Night Shade
Base HP: 5
Suggested Rank: Ace
Abilities: Sand Rush, Fluffy(Hidden)
Strength: 3/6
Dexterity: 2/4
Vitality: 3/6
Special 2/4
Insight: 3/6
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Greavard
Starter Moves:
-Last Respects
-Tail Whip
Beginner Moves:
Amateur Moves:
-Helping Hand
-Phantom Force
Ace Moves:
-Play Rough
-Body Press
Pro Moves:
-Shadow Sneak
-Stomping Tantrum
-Psychic Fangs
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Abilities: Scrappy/Tangled Feet, Costar(Hidden)
Strength: 3/7
Dexterity: 3/6
Vitality: 2/5
Special 2/5
Insight: 2/5
Evolution Stage: Final
Starter Moves:
Beginner Moves:
-Double Kick
-Wing Attack
Amateur Moves:
-Focus Energy
-Low Kick
-Air Slash
-Wide Guard
Ace Moves:
-Mega Kick
-Throat Chop
-Brave Bird
-Close Combat
Pro Moves:
-Quick Guard
Base HP: 5
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Abilities: Thick Fat/Snow Cloak, Sheer Force(Hidden)
Strength: 2/4
Dexterity: 1/3
Vitality: 1/3
Special 1/2
Insight: 1/3
Evolution Stage: First
Evolves into: Cetitan
Evolution Method: Ice Stone
Starter Moves:
Beginner Moves:
-Powder Snow
-Echoed Voice
Amateur Moves:
-Ice Shard
-Take Down
-Body Slam
Ace Moves:
-Ice Spinner
Pro Moves:
-Chilling Water
Base HP: 12
Suggested Rank: Ace
Abilities: Thick Fat/Slush Rush, Sheer Force(Hidden)
Strength: 3/7
Dexterity: 2/5
Vitality: 2/4
Special 1/3
Insight: 2/4
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Cetoddle
Starter Moves:
-Powder Snow
Beginner Moves:
-Echoed Voice
-Ice Shard
Amateur Moves:
-Take Down
-Body Slam
-Ice Spinner
-Heavy Slam
Ace Moves:
-Icicle Crash
Pro Moves:
-Belly Drum
Base HP: 5
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Abilities: Mold Breaker, Sharpness(Hidden)
Strength: 3/6
Dexterity: 2/5
Vitality: 2/5
Special 2/5
Insight: 2/5
Evolution Stage: Final
Starter Moves:
-Aqua Jet
-Focus Energy
Beginner Moves:
-Water Pulse
-Ice Fang
Amateur Moves:
-Fillet Away
-Aqua Cutter
-Night Slash
-Psycho Cut
Ace Moves:
-Final Gambit
-Psychic Fangs
Pro Moves:
-Drill Run
Base HP: 8
Suggested Rank: Ace
Abilities: Unaware/Oblivious, Water Veil(Hidden)
Strength: 3/7
Dexterity: 1/3
Vitality: 3/7
Special 2/4
Insight: 2/4
Evolution Stage: Final
Starter Moves:
-Water Gun
Beginner Moves:
-Sleep Talk
Amateur Moves:
-Noble Roar
-Body SLam
-Aqua Tail
-Rain Dance
Ace Moves:
-Order Up
-Heavy Slam
-Wave Crash
-Giga Impact
Pro Moves:
-Body Press
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Abilities: Commander, Storm Drain(Hidden)
Strength: 2/4
Dexterity: 2/5
Vitality: 2/4
Special 3/7
Insight: 3/6
Evolution Stage: Final
Starter Moves:
-Water Gun
Beginner Moves:
-Helping Hand
-Water Pulse
Amateur Moves:
-Muddy Water
-Nasty Plot
-Dragon Pulse
-Icy Wind
-Rain Dance
-Chilling Water
Ace Moves:
-Mirror Coat
-Hydro Pump
-Hyper Beam
Pro Moves:
-Baton Pass
-Rapid Spin
-Draco Meteor
Base HP: 5
Suggested Rank: Ace
Abilities: Vital Spirit/Inner Focus, Defiant(Hidden)
Strength: 3/7
Dexterity: 2/5
Vitality: 3/6
Special: 2/4
Insight: 3/6
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Primeape
Starter Moves:
-Rage Fist
Beginner Moves:
-Focus Energy
-Fury Swipes
Amateur Moves:
-Shadow Punch
-Seismic Toss
-Low Kick
-Cross Chop
Ace Moves:
-Final Gambit
-Stomping Tantrum
-Close Combat
Pro Moves:
-Night Slash
-Phantom Force
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Abilities: Poison Point/Water Absorb, Unaware(Hidden)
Strength: 2/5
Dexterity: 1/3
Vitality: 2/4
Special: 2/4
Insight: 3/6
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Paldean Wooper
Starter Moves:
-Tail Whip
Beginner Moves:
-Poison Tail
-Mud Shot
Amateur Moves:
-Toxic Spikes
-Acid Spray
-Poison Jab
Ace Moves:
-Gunk Shot
Pro Moves:
Base HP: 5
Suggested Rank: Ace
Abilities: Cud Chew/Armor Tail, Sap Sipper(Hidden)
Strength: 3/6
Dexterity: 2/4
Vitality: 2/5
Special: 3/7
Insight: 2/5
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Girafarig
Starter Moves:
-Twin Beam
-Guard Swap
-Power Swap
-Beginner Moves:
Amateur Moves:
-Baton Pass
-Double Hit
Ace Moves:
-Zen Headbutt
-Nasty Plot
Pro Moves:
-Future Sight
-Hyper Voice
-Beat Up
Base HP: 6
Suggested Rank: Ace
Abilities: Serene Grace/Run Away, Rattled(Hidden)
Strength: 3/6
Dexterity: 2/5
Vitality: 3/6
Special: 3/6
Insight: 2/5
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Dunsparce
Starter Moves:
-Hyper Drill
-Defense Curl
Beginning Moves:
Amateur Moves:
-Body Slam
-Ancient Power
-Take Down
-Air Slash
-Dragon Rush
-Drill Run
Ace Moves:
Pro Moves:
-Aqua Tail
-Last Resort
Base HP: 5
Suggested Rank: Pro
Abilities: Defiant/Supreme Overlord, Pressure(Hidden)
Strength: 4/8
Dexterity: 2/4
Vitality: 3/7
Special: 2/5
Insight: 3/6
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Bisharp
Starter Moves:
-Kowtow Cleave
Beginner Moves:
-Fury Cutter
Amateur Moves:
-Scary Face
-Metal Claw
-Metal Sound
-Iron Defense
Ace Moves:
-Metal Burst
-Night Slash
-Iron Head
-Swords Dance
Pro Moves:
-Zen Headbutt
-Steel Beam
-Low Kick
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Abilities: Thermal Exchange, Ice Body(Hidden)
Strength: 2/5
Dexterity: 2/4
Vitality: 2/4
Special 1/3
Insight: 2/4
Evolution Stage: First
Evolves into: Arctibax
Evolution Time: Slow
Starter Moves:
Beginner Moves:
-Dragon Tail
-Icy Wind
Amateur Moves:
-Focus Energy
-Ice Fang
-Take Down
-Ice Beam
Ace Moves:
-Dragon Claw
-Icicle Crash
Pro Moves:
-Aqua Tail
-Dragon Rush
Base HP: 5
Suggested Rank: Ace
Abilities: Thermal Exchange, Ice Body(Hidden)
Strength: 3/6
Dexterity: 2/5
Vitality: 2/5
Special 2/4
Insight: 2/5
Evolution Stage: Second
Evolves from: Frigibax
Evolves into: Baxcalibur
Evolution Time: Slow
Starter Moves:
-Dragon Tail
Beginner Moves:
-Icy Wind
-Focus Energy
Amateur Moves:
-Ice Fang
-Take Down
-Ice Beam
-Dragon Pulse
Ace Moves:
-Dragon Claw
-Icicle Crash
Pro Moves:
-Aqua Tail
-Dragon Rush
Base HP: 6
Suggested Rank: Pro
Abilities: Thermal Exchange, Ice Body(Hidden)
Strength: 3/7
Dexterity: 3/6
Vitality: 3/6
Special 2/5
Insight: 3/6
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Arctibax
Starter Moves:
-Glaive Rush
-Dragon Tail
-Icy Wind
Beginner Moves:
-Focus Energy
-Ice Fang
-Thunder Fang
-Breaking Swipe
Amateur Moves:
-Take Down
-Ice Beam
-Dragon Pulse
-Ice Shard
-Dragon Claw
-Icicle Spear
Ace Moves:
-Dragon Dance
-Icicle Crash
-Body Press
-Freeze Dry
Pro Moves:
-Aqua Tail
-Iron Head
-Draco Meteor
Base HP: 3
Suggested Rank: Beginner
Abilities: Rattled
Strength: 1/3
Dexterity: 1/3
Vitality: 2/4
Special 2/4
Insight: 2/4
Evolution Stage: First
Evolves into: Gholdengo
Evolution Method: Earn a victory with Gimmighoul while having 999 Gimmighoul Coins on hand
Starter Moves:
Beginner Moves:
-Confuse Ray
-Night Shade
Amateur Moves:
-Shadow Ball
-Power Gem
Ace Moves:
-Nasty Plot
Pro Moves:
-Tera Blast
Base HP: 3
Suggested Rank: Beginner
Abilities: Run Away
Strength: 1/3
Dexterity: 2/5
Vitality: 1/3
Special 2/4
Insight: 1/3
Evolution Stage: First
Evolves into: Gholdengo
Evolution Method: Earn a victory with Gimmighoul while having 999 Gimmighoul Coins on hand
Starter Moves:
Beginner Moves:
-Confuse Ray
-Night Shade
Amateur Moves:
-Shadow Ball
-Power Gem
Ace Moves:
-Nasty Plot
Pro Moves:
-Tera Blast
Base HP: 6
Suggested Rank: Pro
Abilities: Good as Gold
Strength: 2/4
Dexterity: 3/6
Vitality: 3/6
Special 3/7
Insight: 3/6
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Gimmighoul
Starter Moves:
Beginner Moves:
-Confuse Ray
-Night Shade
Amateur Moves:
-Shadow Ball
-Power Gem
-Flash Cannon
-Metal Sound
Ace Moves:
-Nasty Plot
-Make it Rain
Pro Moves:
-Steel Beam
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Ace
Abilities: Supersweet Syrup/Gluttony, Sticky Hold(Hidden)
Strength: 2/5
Dexterity: 2/4
Vitality: 3/6
Special 3/6
Insight: 2/5
Evolution Stage: Second
Evolves from: Applin
Evolves into: Hydrappln
Evolutuon Method: Can Evolve into Hydrapple knowing Dragon Cheer
Starter Moves:
Beginner Moves:
-Sweet Scent
Amateur Moves:
-Double Hit
-Dragon Tail
-Dragon Breath
-Bullet Seed
Ace Moves:
-Syrup Bomb
-Dragon Pulse
-Energy Ball
-Dragon Cheer
Pro Moves:
-Giga Drain
-Pollen Puff
-Draco Meteor
Base HP: 3
Suggested Rank: Beginner
Abilities: Hospitality, Heatproof(Hidden)
Strength: 2/4
Dexterity: 2/4
Vitality: 2/4
Special 2/5
Insight: 2/4
Evolution Stage: First
Evolves into: Sinistcha
-Counterfeit Poltchageist can Evolve into Uremarkable Sinistcha using Unremarkable Teacup
-Artisan Poltchageist can Evolve into Masterpiece Sinistcha using Masterpiece Teacup
Starter Moves:
Beginner Moves:
-Stun Spore
-Mega Drain
Amateur Moves:
-Life Dew
-Foul Play
-Rage Powder
-Giga Drain
Ace Moves:
-Shadow Ball
-Leaf Storm
Pro Moves:
-Grassy Terrain
Base HP: 4
Suggested Rank: Amateur
Abilities: Hospitality, Heatproof(Hidden)
Strength: 2/4
Dexterity: 2/5
Vitality: 3/6
Special 3/7
Insight: 2/4
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Sinistcha
Starter Moves:
-Matcha Gotcha
Beginner Moves:
-Stun Spore
-Mega Drain
Amateur Moves:
-Life Dew
-Foul Play
-Rage Powder
-Giga Drain
Ace Moves:
-Shadow Ball
-Leaf Storm
Pro Moves:
-Grassy Glide
-Calm Mind
Base HP: 5
Suggested Rank: Pro
Abilities: Stamina/Sturdy, Stalwart(Hidden)
Strength: 3/7
Dexterity: 2/5
Vitality: 3/7
Special 4/8
Insight: 2/4
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Duraludon
Starter Moves:
-Electro Shot
-Metal Claw
Beginner Moves:
-Rock Smash
-Hone Claws
-Metal Sound
Amateur Moves:
-Breaking Swipe
-Dragon Tail
-Iron Defense
-Focus Energy
-Dragon Claw
-Flash Cannon
-Dragon Pulse
Ace Moves:
-Metal Burst
-Hyper Beam
-Hard Press
Pro Moves:
-Draco Meteor
-Steel Beam
-Mirror Coat
Base HP: 6
Suggested Rank: Pro
Abilities: Supersweet Syrup/Regenerator, Sticky Hold(Hidden)
Strength: 2/5
Dexterity: 2/4
Vitality: 3/6
Special 4/8
Insight: 2/5
Evolution Stage: Final
Evolves from: Dipplin
Starter Moves:
-Dragon Cheer
-Fickle Beam
Beginner Moves:
-Sweet Scent
Amateur Moves:
-Double Hit
-Dragon Tail
-Dragon Breath
-Bullet Seed
-Syrup Bomb
Ace Moves:
-Dragon Pulse
-Energy Ball
-Power Whip
Pro Moves:
-Hydro Pump
-Earth Power
-Draco Meteor