-All Electric-Type moves get their total damage reduced by 2
Abilities that Activate Mud Sport:
Moves that Activate Mud Sport:
-Mud Sport
Abilities that interact with Mud Sport:
Moves that interact with Mud Sport:
Hold Items that interact with Mud Sport:
-All Fire-Type moves get their total damage reduced by 2
Abilities that Activate Water Sport:
Moves that Activate Water Sport:
-Water Sport
Abilities that interact with Water Sport:
Moves that interact with Water Sport:
Hold Items interact with Water Sport:
-All Pokemon are considerer "Grounded"
-Flying-Types and Pokemon with the Levitate Ability lose their immunity to Ground-Type moves.
-Add 2 Bonus Die to the Accuracy Pool of any moves with reduced accuracy.
Abilities that Activate Gravity:
Moves that Activate Gravity:
-G-Max Gravitas (Signature G-Max Move of Orbeetle)
Abilities that interact with Gravity:
-Levitate: Ground immunity is negated Pokemon with this ability are considered grounded
Moves that interact with Gravity:
-Bounce: Cannot be used and grounds Pokemon in the middle of using the move
-Fly : Cannot be used and grounds Pokemon in the middle of using the move
-Flying Press: Cannot be used
-Grav Apple: Add 2 Extra Dice to the damage pool
-High Jump Kick: Cannot be used
-Jump Kick: Cannot be used
-Magnet Rise: Cannot be used and grounds Pokemon being affected by the move
-Sky Drop: Cannot be used and grounds Pokemon in the middle of using and being affected by the move
-Splash: Cannot be used
-Telekinesis: Cannot be used and grounds Pokemon being affected by the move
Hold Items that interact with Gravity:
-Air Balloon: Ground immunity is negated and holder is considered grounded. The Air Balloon can still be popped like normal.
-Inverts the order of Initiative
Abilities that Activate Trick Room:
Moves that Activate Trick Room:
-Trick Room
Abilities that interact with Trick Room:
-Quick Draw: turn the initiative bonus into a penalty for the duration of Trick Room for turn order calculations
Moves that interact with Trick Room:
Hold Items that interact with Trick Room:
-Full Incense: The holder still goes last in initiative
-Lagging Tail: The holder still goes last in initiative
-Quick Claw: turn the initiative bonus into a penalty for the duration of Trick Room for turn order calculations
-Room Service: When the holder is on the field at the same time as Trick Room, decrease their Initiative by 1(changing the turn order accordingly) and this item is consumed
-Defense and Special Defense are calculated using Insight instead of Vitality
Abilities that Activate Wonder Room:
Moves that Activate Wonder Room:
-Wonder Room
Abilities that interact with Wonder Room:
Moves that interact with Wonder Room:
Hold Items that interact with Wonder Room:
-Most hold items lose all of their effects.
-Hold items can still be switched, stolen, removed, or destroyed.
-Mega Stones and Z-Crystals can still be used.
Abilities that Activate Magic Room:
Moves that Activate Magic Room:
-Magic Room
Abilities that are interact with Magic Room:
Moves that interact with Magic Room:
-Bug Bite: Berries held by the target will still be eaten and have their effects triggered
-Fling: Cannot be used
-Judgement: Move is always considered Normal-Type
-Multi-Attack: Move is always considered Normal-Type
-Natural Gift: Cannot be used
-Pluck: Berries held by the target will still be eaten and have their effects triggered
-Poltergeist: Move still functions as normal
-Tea Time: Berries will still be eaten and have their effects triggered
-Techno Blast: Move is always considered Normal-Type
Hold Items that interact with Magic Room:
-Amulet Coin: Item unaffected by Magic Room
-Choice Band: On the first round after effects of Magic Room end, you can choose a new move to be locked into
-Choice Scarf: On the first round after effects of Magic Room end, you can choose a new move to be locked into
-Choice Specs: On the first round after effects of Magic Room end, you can choose a new move to be locked into
-Exp. Share: Item unaffected by Magic Room
-Luck Incense: Item unaffected by Magic Room
-Lucky Egg: Item unaffected by Magic Room
-Soothe Bell: Item unaffected by Magic Room
-All Normal-Type moves become Electric-Type moves
Abilities that Activate Ion Deluge:
Moves that Activate Ion Deluge:
-Ion Deluge
Abilities that interact with Ion Deluge:
-Normalize: All damaging moves that would deal Normal-Type damage will deal Electric-Type damage instead
Moves that interact with Ion Deluge:
-Conversion: Normal type moves still count as Normal type for the purposes of changing type
-Hidden Power: Move still functions as normal
-Judgement: If the move would deal Normal-Type damage, it will deal Electric-Type damage instead, but will work normally if it would otherwise deal damage of another type
-Multi-Attack: If the move would deal Normal-Type damage, it will deal Electric-Type damage instead, but will work normally if it would otherwise deal damage of another type
-Natural Gift: If the move would deal Normal-Type damage, it will deal Electric-Type damage instead, but will work normally if it would otherwise deal damage of another type
-Raging Bull: If the move would deal Normal-Type damage, it will deal Electric-Type damage instead, but will work normally if it would otherwise deal damage of another type
-Revelation Dance: If the move would deal Normal-Type damage, it will deal Electric-Type damage instead, but will work normally if it would otherwise deal damage of another type
-Struggle: Move still functions as normal
-Techno Blast: If the move would deal Normal-Type damage, it will deal Electric-Type damage instead, but will work normally if it would otherwise deal damage of another type
-Tera Blast: Move still functions as normal when used by a Terastallized Pokemon
-Tera Starstorm: Move still functions as normal when used by a Terastallized Pokemon
-Terrain Pulse: If the move would deal Normal-Type damage, it will deal Electric-Type damage instead, but will work normally if it would otherwise deal damage of another type
-Weather Ball: If the move would deal Normal-Type damage, it will deal Electric-Type damage instead, but will work normally if it would otherwise deal damage of another type
Hold Items that interact with Ion Deluge:
-All non-Ghost-Type Pokemon become blocked
Abilities that Activate Fairy Lock:
Moves that Activate Fairy Lock:
-Fairy Lock
Abilities that interact with Fairy Lock:
-Emergency Exit: Ability will still activate as normal
-Run Away: Pokemon with this ability can still run away from wild Pokemon
-Wimp Out: Ability will still activate as normal
Moves that interact with Fairy Lock:
-Baton Pass: User can still switch out by using this move
-Chilly Reception: User can still switch out by using this move
-Circle Throw: Target will still be switched out by using this move
-Dragon Tail: Target will still be switched out by using this move
-Flip Turn: User can still switch out by using this move
-Parting Shot: User can still switch out by using this move
-Roar: Target will still be switched out by using this move
-Shed Tail: User can still switch out by using this move
-Teleport: User can still switch out or run away from wild Pokemon by using this move
-U-Turn: User can still switch out by using this move
-Volt Switch: User can still switch out by using this move
-Whirlwind: Target will still be switched out by using this move
Hold Items that interact with Fairy Lock:
-Eject Button: The holder will still switch out when the item effect is triggered
-Red Card: The foe will still switch out when the item effect is triggered
-Shed Shell: The holder can still freely switch out
-Smoke Ball: The holder can still run away from wild Pokemon
-Types have their interactions reversed. All weaknesses become resistances and all resistances and immunities turn into weaknesses.
Inverse Type Chart:
-Normal- Weaknesses: Ghost ; Resistances: Fighting
-Fighting- Weaknesses: Bug, Dark, Rock ; Resistances: Fairy, Flying, Psychic
-Flying- Weaknesses: Bug, Fighting, Grass, Ground ; Resistances: Electric, Ice, Rock
-Poison- Weaknesses: Bug, Fairy, Fighting, Poison ; Resistances: Ground, Psychic
-Ground- Weaknesses: Electric, Poison, Rock ; Resistances: Grass, Ice, Water
-Rock- Weaknesses: Fire, Flying, Normal, Poison ; Resistances: Fighting, Grass, Ground, Steel, Water
-Bug- Weaknesses: Fighting, Grass, Ground ; Resistances: Flying, Fire, Rock
-Ghost- Weaknesses: Bug, Fighting, Normal, Poison ; Resistances: Dark, Ghost
-Steel- Weaknesses: Bug, Dragon, Fairy, Flying, Grass, Ice, Normal, Poison, Psychic, Rock, Steel ; Resistances: Fighting, Fire, Ground
-Fire- Weaknesses: Bug, Fire, Grass, Ice, Steel ; Resistances: Ground, Rock, Water
-Water- Weaknesses: Fire, Ice, Steel, Water ; Resistances: Electric, Grass
-Grass- Weaknesses: Electric, Grass, Ground, Water ; Resistances: Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison
-Electric- Weaknesses: Electric, Flying, Steel ; Resistances: Ground
-Psychic- Weaknesses: Fighting, Psychic ; Resistances: Bug, Dark, Ghost
-Ice- Weaknesses: Ice ; Resistances: Fighting, Fire, Rock, Steel
-Dragon- Weaknesses: Electric, Fire, Grass, Water ; Resistances: Dragon, Fairy, Ice
-Dark- Weaknesses: Dark, Ghost, Psychic ; Resistances: Bug, Fighting, Fairy
-Fairy:- Weaknesses: Bug, Dark, Fighting, Dragon ; Resistances: Poison, Steel
Abilities that Activate an Inverse Battlefield:
Moves that Activate an Inverse Battlefield:
Abilities that interact with an Inverse Battlefield:
Moves that interact with an Inverse Battlefield:
-Freeze Dry: Still hits Water-Types super-effectively
Hold Items that interact an Inverse Battlefield: