-All Electric-Type moves add 1 Extra Die to their Damage Pools
-No one can be affected by the Sleep Status Condition, but those put to sleep prior to this terrain appearing on the battlefield will not wake up.
Abilities that Activate Electric Terrain:
-Electric Surge
-Hadron Engine
Moves that Activate Electric Terrain:
-Electric Terrain
-Max Lightning (Max Move)
Abilities that interact with Electric Terrain:
-Hadron Engine: Increase Special by 1
-Mimicry: Galarian Stunfisk changes its typing to Electric
-Quark Drive: Increase Attribute with highest cap by 1
-Surge Surfer: Increase Dexterity by 2
Moves that interact with Electric Terrain:
-Camouflage: User's typing changes to Electric
-Nature Power: Turns into the move Thunderbolt when used
-Rising Voltage: Add 2 Extra Dice to the damage pool
-Secret Power: Roll 3 Chance Dice to Paralyze the target
-Terrain Pulse: Turns into an Electric-Type move and deals 2 Extra Dice of Damage
Hold Items that interact with Electric Terrain:
-Electric Seed: When holder is on the field at the same time as Electric Terrain, even if they are not grounded, increase Defense by 1 and this item is consumed
-Terrain Extender: Increases Duration from 5 Rounds to 8 if the terrain was activated by the holder
-All Grass-Type moves add 1 Extra Die to their Damage Pools
-All Pokemon heal 1 HP at the end of each round
Abilities that Activate Grassy Terrain:
-Grassy Surge
-Seed Sower
Moves that Activate Grassy Terrain:
-Grassy Terrain
-Max Overgrowth (Max Move)
Abilities that interact with Grassy Terrain:
-Grass Pelt: Increased Defense by 2
-Mimicry: Galarian Stunfisk changes its typing to Grass
Moves that interact with Grassy Terrain:
-Camouflage: User's typing changes to Grass
-Floral Healing: Basic Heal Becomes Complete Heal
-Grassy Glide: Increase priority by 2
-Nature Power: Turns into the move Energy Ball when used
-Secret Power: Roll 3 Chance Dice to make the target fall Asleep
-Terrain Pulse: Turns into a Grass-Type move and deals 2 Extra Dice of Damage
Hold Items that interact with Grassy Terrain:
-Grassy Seed: When holder is on the field at the same time as Grassy Terrain, even if they are not grounded, increase Defense by 1 and this item is consumed
-Terrain Extender: Increases Duration from 5 Rounds to 8 if the terrain was activated by the holder
-All Dragon-Type moves get their total damage reduced by 1
-No one can be affected by any status ailments, but those affected by one prior to this terrain appearing on the battlefield will not be cured.
Abilities that Activate Misty Terrain:
-Misty Surge
Moves that Activate Misty Terrain:
-Misty Terrain
-Max Starfall (Max Move)
Abilities that interact with Misty Terrain:
-Mimicry: Galarian Stunfisk changes its typing to Fairy
Moves that interact with Misty Terrain:
-Camouflage: User's typing changes to Fairy
-Misty Explosion: Add 2 Extra Dice to the damage pool
-Nature Power: Turns into the move Moonblast when used
-Secret Power: Roll 3 Chance Dice to lower the target's Special by 1
-Terrain Pulse: Turns into a Fairy-Type move and deals 2 Extra Dice of Damage
Hold Items that interact with Misty Terrain:
-Misty Seed: When holder is on the field at the same time as Misty Terrain, even if they are not grounded, increase Special Defense by 1 and this item is consumed
-Terrain Extender: Increases Duration from 5 Rounds to 8 if the terrain was activated by the holder
-All Psychic-Type moves add 1 Extra Die to their Damage Pools
-No one can be targeted by moves with increased Priority
Abilities that Activate Psychic Terrain:
-Psychic Surge
Moves that Activate Psychic Terrain:
-Psychic Terrain
-Genesis Supernova (Signature Z-Move of Mew)
-Max Mindstorm (Max Move)
Abilities that interact with Psychic Terrain:
-Mimicry: Galarian Stunfisk changes its typing to Psychic
Moves that interact with Psychic Terrain:
-Camouflage User's typing changes to Psychic
-Expanding Force: Add 1 Extra Die to the damage pool and this move affects All Foes in range
-Nature Power: Turns into the move Psychic when used
-Secret Power: Roll 3 Chance Dice to lower the target's Dexterity by 1
-Terrain Pulse: Turns into a Psychic-Type move and deals 2 Extra Dice of Damage
Hold Items that interact with Psychic Terrain:
-Psychic Seed: When holder is on the field at the same time as Psychic Terrain, even if they are not grounded, increase Special Defense by 1 and this item is consumed
-Terrain Extender: Increases Duration from 5 Rounds to 8 if the terrain was activated by the holder
-All Fire-Type moves get their total damage reduced by 1
-All Pokemon heal 1 HP at the end of each round
-No one can be affected by the Burn or Poison Status Conditions, but those burned or poisoned prior to this terrain appearing on the battlefield will not be cured.
Abilities that Activate Aqua Terrain:
-Aqua Surge
Moves that Activate Aqua Terrain:
-Aqua Terrain
Abilities that interact with Aqua Terrain:
-Mimicry: Galarian Stunfisk changes its typing to Water
Moves that interact with Aqua Terrain:
-Camouflage: User's typing changes to Water
-Nature Power: Turns into the move Hydro Pump when used
-Secret Power: Roll 3 Chance Dice to lower the target's Strength by 1
-Terrain Pulse: Turns into a Water-Type move and deals 2 Extra Dice of Damage
-Water Guard: Targets both the user and an Ally
Hold Items that interact with Aqua Terrain:
-Aqua Seed: When holder is on the field at the same time as Aqua Terrain, even if they are not grounded, increase Special Defense by 1 and this item is consumed
-Terrain Extender: Increases Duration from 5 Rounds to 8 if the terrain was activated by the holder
-All Ice-Type moves moves add 1 Extra Die to their Damage Pools
-No one can have their Attributes lowered unless self-inflicted
Abilities that Activate Ice Terrain:
-Ice Surge
Moves that Activate Ice Terrain:
-Ice Terrain
Abilities that interact with Ice Terrain:
-Mimicry: Galarian Stunfisk changes its typing to Ice
Moves that interact with Ice Terrain:
-Camouflage: User's typing changes to Ice
-Freezing Wave: Add 1 Extra Die to the damage pool and lower target's Dexterity by 2
-Nature Power: Turns into the move Ice Beam when used
-Secret Power: Roll 3 Chance Dice to freeze the foe
-Terrain Pulse: Turns into an Ice-Type move and deals 2 Extra Dice of Damage
Hold Items that interact with Ice Terrain:
-Ice Seed: When holder is on the field at the same time as Ice Terrain, even if they are not grounded, increase Defense by 1 and this item is consumed
-Terrain Extender: Increases Duration from 5 Rounds to 8 if the terrain was activated by the holder