-All Fire-Type moves add 1 Extra Dice to their Damage Pools
-All Water-Type moves(Except Hydro Steam) get their total damage reduced by 1
-No one can be affected by the Frozen Status Condition, but those Frozen prior to this weather appearing on the battlefield will not thaw.
Abilities that Activate Harsh Sunlight:
-Orichalcum Pulse
Moves that Activate Harsh Sunlight:
-Sunny Day
-Max Flare (Max Move)
Abilities that interact with Harsh Sunlight:
-Chlorophyll: Increase Dexterity by 2
-Dry Skin: Get dealt 1 damage at end of round
-Flower Gift: Cherrim transforms into its Sunshine Form
-Forecast: Castform transforms into it Sunny Form
-Harvest: Berry regrows at end of round up to three times per Scene
-Leaf Guard: Cannot get status ailments
-Orichalcum Pulse: Increase Strength by 1
-Protosynthesis: Increase Attribute with highest cap by 1
-Solar Power: Increase Special by 2 and get dealt 1 damage at end of round
Moves that interact with Harsh Sunlight:
-Growth: Increase Strength and Special by 2 instead of 1
-Hydro Steam: Add 1 Extra Die to its Damage Pool instead of getting Damage reduced by 1
-Hurricane: Increase reduced Accuracy from -2 to -3
-Moonlight: Basic Heal Becomes Complete Heal
-Morning Sun: Basic Heal Becomes Complete Heal
-Solar Beam: Skip Charge Turn
-Solar Blade: Skip Charge Turn
-Synthesis: Basic Heal Becomes Complete Heal
-Thunder: Increase reduced Accuracy from -2 to -3
-Weather Ball: Turns into a Fire-Type move and deals 2 Extra Dice of Damage
Hold Items that interact with Harsh Sunlight:
-Heat Rock: Increases Duration from 5 Rounds to 8 if the weather was activated by the holder
-Utility Umbrella: Holder ignores all effects of Harsh Sunlight
-All Water-Type moves add 1 Extra Dice to their Damage Pools
-All Fire-Type moves get their total damage reduced by 1
Abilities that Activate Rain:
Moves that Activate Rain:
-Rain Dance
-Max Geyser (Max Move)
Abilities that interact with Rain:
-Dry Skin: Heal 1 HP at end of round
-Forecast: Castform transforms into its Rainy Form
-Hydration: Cure status ailments at end of round
-Rain Dish: Heal 1 HP at end of round
-Swift Swim: Increase Dexterity by 2
Moves that interact with Rain:
-Bleakwind Storm: Ignore innate reduced Accuracy and gains the Never Fails property.
-Electro Shot: Skip Charge Turn
-Hurricane: Ignore innate reduced Accuracy and gains the Never Fails property.
-Morning Sun: Basic Heal changed to 1 HP
-Moonlight: Basic Heal changed to 1 HP
-Sandsear Storm: Ignore innate reduced Accuracy and gains the Never Fails property.
-Solar Beam: Reduce Power from 5 to 3
-Solar Blade: Reduce Power from 5 to 3
-Synthesis: Basic Heal changed to 1 HP
-Thunder: Ignore innate reduced Accuracy and gains the Never Fails property.
-Weather Ball: Turns into a Water-Type move and deals 2 Extra Dice of Damage
-Wildbolt Storm: Ignore innate reduced Accuracy and gains the Never Fails property.
Hold Items that interact with Rain:
-Damp Rock: Increases Duration from 5 Rounds to 8 if the weather was activated by the holder
-Utility Umbrella: Holder ignores all effects of Rain
-Deal 1 damage to all non Rock, Ground, or Steel Type Pokemon in the field at the end of the round
-Increase 1 Point to the Special Defense of all Rock-Type Pokemon in the field
Abilities that Activate Sandstorm:
-Sand Stream
-Sand Spit
Moves that Activate Sandstorm:
-Max Rockfall (Max Move)
Abilities that interact with Sandstorm:
-Magic Guard: Immunity to Sandstorm damage regardless of Type
-Overcoat: Immunity to Sandstorm damage regardless of Type
-Sand Force: Add 1 Extra Die to damage pools of Rock, Ground, and Steel moves and has immunity to Sandstorm damage regardless of Type
-Sand Rush: Increase Dexterity by 2 and has immunity to Sandstorm damage regardless of Type
-Sand Veil: Add 1 Extra Die to Evasion rolls and has immunity to Sandstorm damage regardless of Type
Moves that interact with Sandstorm:
-Morning Sun: Basic Heal changed to 1 HP
-Moonlight: Basic Heal changed to 1 HP
-Solar Beam: Reduce Power from 5 to 3
-Solar Blade: Reduce Power from 5 to 3
-Shore Up: Basic Heal Becomes Complete Heal
-Synthesis: Basic Heal changed to 1 HP
-Weather Ball: Turns into a Rock-Type move and deals 2 Extra Dice of Damage
Hold Items that interact with Sandstorm:
Smooth Rock: Increases Duration from 5 Rounds to 8 if the weather was activated by the holder
Safety Goggles: Holder is immune to Sandstorm damage regardless of Type
-Deal 1 damage to all non-Ice Type Pokemon in the field at the end of the round.
Abilities that Activate Hail:
Moves that Activate Hail:
-Max Hailstorm (Max Move)
Abilities that interact with Hail:
-Forecast: Castform transforms into its Snowy Form
-Ice Body: Heal 1 HP at end of round and has immunity to Hail damage regardless of Type
-Ice Face: Eiscue transforms into its Ice Face form at end of the first round of weather activation
-Magic Guard: Immunity to Hail damage regardless of Type
-Overcoat: Immunity to Hail damage regardless of Type
-Slush Rush: Increase Dexterity by 2
-Snow Cloak: Add 1 Extra Die to Evasion rolls and has immunity to Hail damage regardless of Type
Moves that interact with Hail:
-Aurora Veil: Can by used without failing
-Blizzard: Ignore innate reduced Accuracy and gains the Never Fails property.
-Moonlight: Basic Heal changed to 1 HP
-Morning Sun: Basic Heal changed to 1 HP
-Solar Beam: Reduce Power from 5 to 3
-Solar Blade: Reduce Power from 5 to 3
-Synthesis: Basic Heal changed to 1 HP
-Weather Ball: Turns into an Ice-Type move and deals 2 Extra Dice of Damage
Hold Items that interact with Hail:
-Icy Rock: Increases Duration from 5 Rounds to 8 if the weather was activated by the holder
-Safety Goggles: Holder is immune to Hail damage regardless of Type
-Increase 1 Point to the Defense of all Ice Pokemon in the field
Abilities that Activate Snow:
-Snow Warning
Moves that Activate Snow:
-Chilly Reception
Abilities that interact with Snow:
-Forecast: Castform transforms into its Snowy Form
-Ice Body: Heal 1 HP at end of round
-Ice Face: Eiscue transforms into its Ice Face form at end of the first round of weather activation
-Slush Rush: Increase Dexterity by 2
-Snow Cloak: Add 1 Extra Die to Evasion rolls
Moves that interact with Snow:
-Aurora Veil: Can by used without failing
-Blizzard: Ignore innate reduced Accuracy and gains the Never Fails property.
-Moonlight: Basic Heal changed to 1 HP
-Morning Sun: Basic Heal changed to 1 HP
-Solar Beam: Reduce Power from 5 to 3
-Solar Blade: Reduce Power from 5 to 3
-Synthesis: Basic Heal changed to 1 HP
-Weather Ball: Turns into an Ice-Type move and deals 2 Extra Dice of Damage
Hold Items that interact with Snow:
-Icy Rock: Increases Duration from 5 Rounds to 8 if the weather was activated by the holder
-All Fire-Type moves add 1 Extra Dice to their Damage Pools
-All Water-Type Moves fail to be executed
-Harsh Sunlight, Rain, Sandstorm, Hail, and Snow fail to activate through any means.
Abilities that Activate Extremely Harsh Sunlight:
-Desolate Land
Moves that Activate Extremely Harsh Sunlight:
Abilities that interact with Extremely Harsh Sunlight:
-Chlorophyll: Increase Dexterity by 2
-Dry Skin: Get dealt 1 damage at end of round
-Flower Gift: Cherrim transforms into its Sunshine Form
-Forecast: Castform transforms into it Sunny Form
-Harvest: Berry regrows at end of round up to three times per Scene
-Leaf Guard: Cannot get status ailments
-Orichalcum Pulse: Increase Strength by 1
-Protosynthesis: Increase Attribute with highest cap by 1
-Solar Power: Increase Special by 2 and get dealt 1 damage at end of round
Moves that interact with Extremely Harsh Sunlight:
-Growth: Increase Strength and Special by 2 instead of 1
-Hurricane: Increase reduced Accuracy from -2 to -3
-Moonlight: Basic Heal Becomes Complete Heal
-Morning Sun: Basic Heal Becomes Complete Heal
-Solar Beam: Skip Charge Turn
-Solar Blade: Skip Charge Turn
-Synthesis: Basic Heal Becomes Complete Heal
-Thunder: Increase reduced Accuracy from -2 to -3
-Weather Ball: Turns into a Fire-Type move and deals 2 Extra Dice of Damage
Items that interact with Extremely Harsh Sunlight:
-All Water-Type moves add 1 Extra Dice to their Damage Pools
-All Fire-Type Moves fail to be executed
-Harsh Sunlight, Rain, Sandstorm, Hail, and Snow fail to activate through any means.
Abilities that Activate Heavy Rain:
-Primordial Sea
Moves that Activate Heavy Rain:
Abilities that interact with Heavy Rain:
-Dry Skin: Heal 1 HP at end of round
-Forecast: Castform transforms into its Rainy Form
-Hydration: Cure status ailments at end of round
-Rain Dish: Heal 1 HP at end of round
-Swift Swim: Increase Dexterity by 2
Moves that interact with Heavy Rain:
-Bleakwind Storm: Ignore innate reduced Accuracy and gains the Never Fails property.
-Electro Shot: Skip Charge Turn
-Hurricane: Ignore innate reduced Accuracy and gains the Never Fails property.
-Morning Sun: Basic Heal changed to 1 HP
-Moonlight: Basic Heal changed to 1 HP
-Sandsear Storm: Ignore innate reduced Accuracy and gains the Never Fails property.
-Solar Beam: Reduce Power from 5 to 3
-Solar Blade: Reduce Power from 5 to 3
-Synthesis: Basic Heal changed to 1 HP
-Thunder: Ignore innate reduced Accuracy and gains the Never Fails property.
-Weather Ball: Turns into a Water-Type move and deals 2 Extra Dice of Damage
-Wildbolt Storm: Ignore innate reduced Accuracy and gains the Never Fails property.
Items that interact with Heavy Rain:
-Outside of Inverse Battles Electric, Ice, and Rock-Type moves deal neutral damage to Flying-type Pokemon.
-During Inverse Battles Bug, Fighting, Grass, and Ground-Type moves deal neutral damage to Flying-type Pokemon
-Harsh Sunlight, Rain, Sandstorm, Hail, and Snow fail to activate through any means.
Abilities that Activate Strong Winds:
-Delta Stream
Moves that Activate Strong Winds:
Abilities that interact with Strong Winds:
Moves that interact with Strong Winds:
Items that interact with Strong Winds:
-Decrease the accuracy of all moves without the Never Fails property by 2
-Disappears if the move Defog is used
Abilities that Activate Thick Fog:
Moves that Activate Thick Fog:
Abilities that interact with Thick Fog:
Moves that interact with Thick Fog:
-Moonlight: Basic Heal changed to 1 HP
-Morning Sun: Basic Heal changed to 1 HP
-Synthesis: Basic Heal changed to 1 HP
-Solar Beam: Reduce Power from 5 to 3
-Solar Blade: Reduce Power from 5 to 3
-Weather Ball: Deals 2 Extra Dice of Damage
Items that interact with Thick Fog:
-All Shadow moves add 1 Extra Dice to their Damage Pools
-Deal 1 damage to all non-Shadow Pokemon in the field at the end of the round.
Abilities that Activate Shadowy Aura:
Moves that Activate Shadowy Aura:
-Shadow Sky
Abilities that interact with Shadowy Aura:
Moves that interact with Shadowy Aura:
-Weather Ball: Turns into a Typeless move and deals 2 Extra Dice of Damage. A Pokemon with the Color Change ability hit by Weather Ball in a Shadowy Aura transforms into a Normal type.
Items that interact with Shadowy Aura:
Volcanic Ash (Gen III Beta Weather)
-Deal 1 damage to all non-Fire or Poison Type Pokemon in the field at the end of the round.
-Decrease the accuracy of all moves without the Never Fails property by 1
-Chance Die rolls to Burn, Poison, or Badly Poison automatically succeed unless the target is already inflicted with another Volatile Status Effect
Abilities that Activate Volcanic Ash:
-Effect Spore: Always Poisons a foe that make contact with a Pokemon with this ability (Do not roll for Paralysis or Sleep)
Moves that Activate Volcanic Ash:
-Volcanic Plume
Abilities that interact with Volcanic Ash:
-Keen Eye: Immunity to the decrease in Accuracy
-Illuminate: Immunity to the decrease in Accuracy
-Magic Guard: Immunity to Volcanic Ash damage and regardless of Type
-Overcoat: Immunity to Volcanic Ash damage regardless of Type
Moves that interact with Volcanic Ash:
-Dire Claw: Always Poisons the target(Do not roll for Paralysis or Sleep)
-Eruption: Gains the Never Fails property
-Lava Plume: Gains the Never Fails property
-Heat Wave: Ignore innate reduced Accuracy and gains the Never Fails property
-Magma Storm: Ignore innate reduced Accuracy and gains the Never Fails property
-Moonlight: Basic Heal changed to 1 HP
-Morning Sun: Basic Heal changed to 1 HP
-Poison Gas: Badly Poisons instead of Poisons, ignores innate reduced Accuracy, and gains the Never Fails property
-Solar Beam: Reduce Power from 5 to 3
-Solar Blade: Reduce Power from 5 to 3
-Smog: Badly Poisons instead of Poisons, ignores innate reduced Accuracy, and gains the Never Fails property
-Smokescreen: Decreases Accuracy by 2 instead of 1 and gains the Never Fails property
-Synthesis: Basic Heal changed to 1 HP
-Tri Attack: Always Burns the target(Do not roll for Freeze or Paralysis)
-Weather Ball: Turns into an Poison-Type move and deals 2 Extra Dice of Damage
Hold Items that interact with Volcanic Ash:
-Ashen Rock: Increases Duration from 5 Rounds to 8 if the weather was activated by the holder
-Safety Goggles: Holder is immune to Volcanic Ash damage regardless of Type